A message from Emily

Principal – St John's Footscray

Dear parents and carers


Welcome back for Term 2! I trust you all had a wonderful Easter and break. It was wonderful to greet the children as they returned yesterday. We began our day with an ANZAC Assembly led by our Year 6 Leaders. It was a beautiful way to begin our day remembering and honouring those who have served and continue to serve our country during times of war and peace keeping operations. Tomorrow afternoon's prayer gathering will the last of our Lent and Easter liturgy with the focus on the resurrection of Jesus. Families are welcome to join us at 2:30pm to take part as the Village Leaders will lead this assembly. The weather will determine if this will take place in Joan's Yard or the hall.


TONIGHT we are host a workshop for parents run by Inform an Empower. This is a new workshop for 2023 and well be providing parents with up-to-date information around keeping your child safe online. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of this workshop and the critical information to support raising children in the digital world and their use of social media, gaming, cyber bullying and exposure to pornography and predators. Please view this short clip to hear from Marty and Carley about the topics they will cover in this session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5urKdVDElI  To register your attendance click on this link bit.ly/stjohns2023


You should have all received an email from me about the ECSI (Enhancing Catholic School Identity) Survey. Completion of the ECSI Survey is of critical importance in providing data for school effectiveness as part of our next school improvement/effectiveness review due to take place in 2024. Thank you to the five families who have already taken the time to complete this survey. To access the survey please use the instructions and access codes linked below. The survey closes on Friday 5th May (next week).



Parent Helpers Needed

We are putting a call out for any parents, or grandparents, who are available to apply contact on our new books for Book Week or cutting up resources to be used by children at school.  If you are a whiz at using contact or find this task therapeutic, please email  Amy - alittley@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au or if you would be happy to grab a pair of scissor and cut up resources, please email Shelly - sstuart@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au 



Make sure you check out the Family Engagement Page for information around our upcoming events including the Mother's Day breakfast. There is also information about the Active Paths which is a Council initiative. You may have noticed some new markers on the footpaths leading to our school. It is all about promoting the option of parking and walking to school and will result in less congestion and more healthy habits. You'll also need to look out for a photo in our local newspaper featuring some of our children.


Warm wishes
