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Hello Students/Parents of Doncaster SC,


GKR Karate wanted to get a message out to everyone involved in your school, we have a student that goes to your school that is a gold medalist competitor as well as a junior sensei with us, and we wanted to share what he, as well as many others have been able to get out of karate. 


Have you been looking for an activity for your kids that promotes healthy living and stress relief? Or have you been looking for some self defence for your kids as they get older and you want them to know how to defend themselves from bullies or on the street? GKR Karate can help with all of that. We have been helping kids, teens and adults improve their quality of life for nearly 40 years through healthy habits and self defence. 


Aside from the confidence gained when learning self-defence, karate training can have a positive impact on children’s fitness, concentration and general behaviour. For adults, it’s also a great way to relieve stress, learn something new, meet new people, and stay healthy.


If you want to find out more information about our fitness with purpose program, please contact us on 0452 527 756, or feel free to head online and find out more.