Parents and Friends Community News
Mother's Day Lunch
We are so looking forward to our Mother's Day Lunch tomorrow!
Just a reminder that we have some fabulous items up for auction and raffles on the day and we won't be accepting cash - payment via EFTPOS machine .
Please arrive at school by 11:30am to board the bus at Male St. Remember, if you have missed out on the lunch, that you can join us at the after party from 4:15pm onwards at Bellucci Bar, 151 Martin St, Brighton.
Mother’s Day Stall
Another great tradition at BPS. Our dynamite mum duo, Shelley Armstrong and Hydie Tozios, have taken it to another level this year sourcing local high quality gifts for our wonderful mums, carers and special someones. The stall will run on Thursday 11 May when children will come into the community hub during school time with their teacher and class to choose a gift. QKR is open for parents to purchase the $15 token for their children (under each of their profiles) and the kids will be allocated a token (sticker) to swap for a gift on the day. The kids really love this event. Also, so none of our mums are in the know, we have asked the Dads to man the stall this year. The Mums will take over for the Father’s Day Stall.
Bogan Bingo
Lock in Friday 28th July for a fun Bogan Bingo night to be held in the school. Details to follow next term.