Our School


At the beginning of each year in every classroom, students develop with their teacher an ‘Essential Agreement’ which outlines the expectations they have of each other to make their classroom a positive, productive and engaging place to be. Students identify the behaviours they want to display, the acknowledgements they wish to receive and the consequences they believe should be in place for those who disrupt their agreement. The Essential Agreement is reviewed each term by the class and updated if students feel there is a need.


Informal feedback from our students last term indicated how much they value being actively involved in creating the positive school tone we enjoy and the stability that arises from consistent routines, rules and boundaries. 



For some students, the playground is the best part of the school day. Playing with friends, running around and engaging in creative and organised games is a healthy way to learn and grow socially and emotionally. For some students, the playground can be challenging so we offer a range of activities for all to enjoy and to strengthen play and social skills. 




In addition to the activity clubs, we look forward to a team of our senior student leaders taking on the following roles:


House Captains – (supported by our PE teacher, Mr Pullar) will be organising students to umpire the games played on the oval. House captains are also rostered to run the sports shed so students can collect and return play and sport equipment to use over the break.

Our energetic House Captains have a range of terrific ideas that they want to carry out this term so stay tuned to our next newsletter for the information they’ll share with us. 


Peer Mediators (supported by the Year 5 teachers) – will be assisting students to solve minor problems in the yard through a quick resolution chat process. Peer Mediators will also be acknowledging students displaying positive social skills and the school values with a slip of paper outlining the quality displayed, their name and awarding house points. Students then ‘post’ their house points slip into the coloured letterboxes outside the staffroom ready for the House Captains to collect. 


PLAY Ambassadors (supported by the year 4 teachers) will continue to run organised games for the prep to year 2 students on a Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time. The year 4 students have been trained in how to play and run a range of games and look forward to the day they are rostered to run ‘PLAY’ and make their reminder announcements over the PA (public address system).