Careers Update

Year 10 Work Experience week for Semester 1: April 3rd à April 6th
(any student wishing to complete 5 days can commence on Friday 31st March)
* We are seeking expressions of interest from any local businesses who would be willing to provide an opportunity for one of our Year 10 students during this time. Please e-mail Casey Howell ( for further information.
Dates for 2023:
Pathways to Success, semester 1: Monday 3rd – Thursday 6th April
(Friday 31st March is available for any students wishing to complete 5 days inn term 1)
Pathways to Success, semester 2: Monday 11th – Friday 15th September
Get in early and organise YOUR amazing experience, many programs are open for applications now. Please contact Casey Howell in the Careers Office for any further details (
It is pleasing to see that students are willing to travel outside the ‘insular peninsula’ to get to the course of their choice. Students attracted to Monash are applying for courses at all campuses. Our numbers at Melbourne University are increasing.
Swinburne offers a ‘professional’ range of courses that embed a guaranteed internship as part of the course. Students were attracted to this type of course.
Health courses remain popular, but as a ‘skills needs’ area, students set themselves up for excellent employment opportunities. It is pleasing to see students are interested in ‘Society & Culture’ courses. These are often ‘Arts’ / ‘Global Studies’ courses and require excellent problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
The University of Tasmania is once again proud to present year 11 and 12 students with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience a week as a marine biologist. This is our 2023 Marine Discovery Competition.
A Practical Introduction to Temperate Marine Biology is an introduction to our Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Sciencedegree. Upon completing this course, they will receive credit unit towards their future University of Tasmania degree.
This is a 5-day field trip based on the picturesque Maria Island, on the Tasmanian East Coast. Led by marine ecologist, Dr Scott Bennett, students will be doing field work and experiencing the sights and sounds of climate change, invasive species, pollution, debris, and the associated economic and social impacts.
Applications are open and we encourage teachers and career advisors to speak with students who are interested in marine biology to apply for this experience.
To enter, the students are to complete an online application and submit their 300-word pitch on the topic: why I wish to study the marine biology of Maria Island.
Applications will close at Midnight (AEST) on Monday 20 February 2023.
There are 24 places available, 14 of which are scholarships places. Scholarships will cover flights, accommodation, catering, local transport costs, equipment hire, tuition costs and survey gear.
The course will run from Monday April 17 – Sunday April 23, 2023.
Please read the Terms and Conditions via the website.