Year 7

Welcome day Year 7, 2023
On Monday 30th January our newest members of the College community commenced Year 7.
The transition into secondary school can be very exciting for a young person and their family. New found friends, extra curricula activities, a change of daily routines and introduction to more teachers in this setting will see many questions being asked.
Day one 2023 took this into account and students along with their parent/carer were given the chance to meet with teaching staff. The day incorporated many elements of a well-rounded approach to learning which included a student literacy assessment, parent forum on wellbeing/inclusion/SWPBS and a student handover tool now linked to compass.
By running testing and completing a student handover tool for each of our Year 7 students on their first day gives teaching staff an insight on how each student learns, how they are travelling in their school journey and useful strategies on how we can support them in the classroom and College environment.
Logistically organising 290+ students and their parent/s carers to attend can be quite a challenge for all stakeholders, however in partnership with the whole community the day ran smoothly with feedback indicating it was a great success.
We look forward to the continuation of this partnership throughout your child/child’s secondary journey at the College.