Vocational Major Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
We are excited to welcome Vocational Major tutors Jacinta and Ben to our team. The tutors will be working with small groups of students to help them catch up or extend their learning in Numeracy and Literacy. Our tutors are also available on a Tuesday afterschool as well as a Friday to support students with their work as well as finding a work placement.
All students should now have found a work placement for a Wednesday or a Friday. Students who have not returned these forms will be required at school each Friday. During this time they will be allocated to classes and will have time to complete overdue work as well as meet with their mentor teacher who can assist them to find a work placement. Mentor teachers may help the students brainstorm where they might go as well as write a script to call a potential employer. They may also help them to look on the SWL portal for any opportunities that the school might have access to.
SBAT Opportunities:
Jess Wade and the Careers Team now have contacts with Head Start and GTO. If a student is interested in an SBAT but has been unable to find one they should send through their resume and cover letter to either Ms Wade or the Careers team who will pass it on. There may be an opportunity.
Important Dates:
Year 12:
21st Feb Yakult excursion
Year 11:
27th -28th March VM Camp (please pay on Compass prior to March 5th).