
Ever wondered what research is saying about young people and the healthy use of screens? Parents and school staff are encouraged to come along to this event – make sure you book via Eventbrite – it’s FREE.
Date: Wed 15 February 2023, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm AEDT
Location: Peninsula Community Theatre 91 Wilsons Road Mornington, VIC 3931
Please Note:
This talk is relevant to those caring for or working with young people and suitable for ages 12+, young people must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Brad Marshall AKA The Unplugged Psychologist has spent over a decade at the cutting edge of healthy screen use. But don’t be confused by the name, Brad is NOT anti-technology.
Brad is an internationally published author, researcher, clinician, and speaker. It’s Brad’s clinical experience that sets him apart from other speakers in the field of healthy tech use. While others speak about research and hypotheticals, he delivers from a place of real-world experience.
Most children and teenagers are pretty resistant to anyone suggesting they need to reduce their screen time. Brad has developed both student and parent talks that emphasizes the “traps” of gaming and the tactics game and social media developers use to encourage us to keep playing. Armed with this information, he will challenge young people and their families to find a healthy balance in their screen time within their home.
Further information about Brad: https://unpluggedpsychologist.com/about/