
Year 3 students will be taught by Mrs McCulloch, Ms Semler and Mr Bayly

Year 4 students will be taught by Mr Clayton and Miss Bruorton

Term 1

In Term 1, our focus is on Number and Place Value

Year 3

Number and Place Value 

Learning intentions

Students will:

  • identify odd and even numbers
  • explain the properties of odd or an even number
  • skip count collections by 2s or by grouping collections of objects in 10s
  • understand that the groupings of 100s, 10s, 1s can be taken apart in different, but equivalent ways
  • recognise, represent and order numbers up to 10 000
  • partition, rearrange and regroup numbers up to 10 000.
Number - the 4 operations

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • understand the commutative and inverse properties of the operations
  • know that equations must be equal, and the equal sign means ‘is equal to’
  • model and represent the operations in a variety of ways (concrete, pictorial and abstract)
  • solve addition and subtraction problems with a variety of appropriate strategies, both mental and the use of formal algorithms
  • understand the relationship between addition and subtraction and use this knowledge to solve problems
  • identify the structure and operations in worded problems using part-part-whole knowledge
  • use appropriate vocabulary to communicate their thinking
  • develop strategies for the recall of multiplication facts and number patterns for 2, 3, 5 and 10 and related division facts
  • connect the use of arrays to solve multiplication and division problems
  • solve division problems by sharing quantities equally in groups.

Term 2

In Term 2 our Focus will be on Fractions and Time and Chance.

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • understand the commutative and inverse properties of the operations
  • know that equations must be equal, and the equal sign means ‘is equal to’
  • model and represent the operations in a variety of ways (concrete, pictorial and abstract)
  • solve addition and subtraction problems with a variety of appropriate strategies, both mental and the use of formal algorithms
  • understand the relationship between addition and subtraction and use this knowledge to solve problems
  • identify the structure and operations in worded problems using part-part-whole
  •  knowledge
  • use appropriate vocabulary to communicate their thinking
  • develop strategies for the recall of multiplication facts and number patterns for 2, 3, 5 and 10 and related division facts
  • connect the use of arrays to solve multiplication and division problems
  • solve division problems by sharing quantities equally in groups.
Time and Chance

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • explain why and how time can be measured
  • recognise time units of measurement including seconds, minutes, hours days, months, and years
  • use a calendar to plan an identify days and dates
  • use the hour hand to tell approximate time
  • use the minute hand to tell exact time to the minute
  • connect analogue and digital representations of time
  • calculate the duration of events
  • recognise outcomes of chance using correct terminology
  • conduct repeated trials to identify variations and likelihood of outcomes.

Term 1

In Term 1, our focus is number, place value and the 4 operations.

Year 4

Number and Money

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • understand that the groupings of hundreds, tens, ones, tenths and so on can be taken apart in different but equivalent ways
  • know that the place value system extends infinitely in 2 directions
  • recognise, represent, and order numbers to at least tens of thousands
  • partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands
  • understand that decimals are a way of recording fractions within the base-ten system
  • make connections between fractions and decimals
  • solve problems involving the calculation of money to the nearest 5c.
Number – multiplication, division and odd, even numbers

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • identify that an even number is divisible by 2 and will use the properties of odd and even numbers with all 4 operations
  • know that number sequences and their patterns can be extended indefinitely by investigating number sequences and their patterns
  • understand that multiplication involves counting groups of equal sizes and determining how many there are in total or, using a representative set as unit in a
  • multiplicative comparison
  • recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and use these facts to recall related division facts
  • understand that division is the inverse of multiplication and that multiplication involves combining equal sets and division involves sharing into equal sets
  • represent division as sharing into equal sets, they will recognise the ÷ symbol
  • choose efficient mental and written strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with no remainder.

Term 2

In Term 2, our focus is on fractions, patterns and algebra.

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • apply knowledge of unit fractions in context and identify how many parts there are in relation to parts in the whole
  • understand the connection between the whole and equal parts and reason how to create the whole from knowledge of one part
  • understand that when a group is divided into equal parts, a fraction is created
  • explore relative size of unit fractions on a number line using benchmark numbers
  • build a number line to compare fractional values.
  • explore unit fractions and consider the relationship between part and whole
  • understand that fraction relationships can be any shape when all the shapes are equal in area.
  • develop an understanding of the relationship between improper fractions and mixed numerals. They will convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.
  • investigate relationships between different representations of fractions. They analyse the effect of changing the numerator and denominator on the type and size of a fraction.
  • use understanding and reasoning to solve problems involving fractions in different contexts.
Statistics and Time


Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • interpret a range of graphs and identify the information being communicated
  • understand and determine the purpose for collecting data
  • select, trial, and describe methods for data collection
  • know the features of common graphs, including column and picture graphs
  • know a variety of data displays and evaluate the effectiveness of them
  • construct suitable data displays to effectively display information
  • know how to convert between seconds, minutes, and hours
  • use ‘am’ and ‘pm’ notations and solve simple time problems.