Term 1
In Term 1, our focus is on getting to know how to use our Chromebooks effectively, the various programs students will use and some basic keyboard skills.
Unlocking your Chromebooks Potential
Learning Intentions
Students will:
- be able to use technology effectively and efficiently
- use and select appropriate tools for learning
- show respect for their Chromebook
- demonstrate responsible behaviours towards technology
- understand how to use a variety of different learning programs
Term 2
In Term 2, our focus is on systems and how they work and function.
Click, drag and drop - Understanding Digital Systems
Learning Intentions
Students will:
- identify the characteristics of a system
- understand and use systems thinking
- identify the role of the main component parts in a computer (a digital system)
- understand that digital systems use a process of input, store, process and output
- understand that peripheral devices can be added to a digital system to transmit data (to input/output/store)
- recognise different peripheral devices and their functions
- understand the difference between hardware and software and that peripheral devices need software to work
- understand that digital systems need to be accessed and used securely using password protocols.
- use computational thinking to deconstruct a peripheral device into its component parts to see
- how it works.
- use design thinking to imagine new possibilities for peripheral devices to make a system more suitable for an end user.
- save and retrieve content in agreed locations with an appropriate name.
- create possibilities by connecting or creatively expanding on new and known ideas in a variety of ways
- consider alternatives by challenging or creatively adjusting existing ideas in situations where current approaches do not work and recommend a preferred option.