
Students will be working with Frau Chesterman

Term 1

In Term 1, our focus is on Birthdays, numbers and time.

Geburtstage - Birthdays

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • learn about invitations as a text type.
  • identify the key textual features of an invitation.
  • identify and recall new vocabulary.
  • learn how to use numbers and ordinal numbers to talk about birthdays.
  • understand how the alphabetical forms of numbers are written in German.
  • apply conventions around written and spoken expression of dates.
  • learning to talk about birthdays in the first and third person.
  • write times using the 24hr clock.
  • understand and create their own compound nouns.
  • plan and create an original party invitation.

Term 2

In Term 2, our focus is on the weather.

das Wetter - Weather

Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • learn about weather reports as a text type.
  • identify the key textual features of a weather report.
  • identify and recall new vocabulary
  • express different weather types using varied nouns and verbs.
  • learn about old methods used to predict the weather in Germany.
  • learn how to express temperatures in relation to the weather.
  • compare and contrast climate and seasons in Germany and Australia.
  • reflect on how climate and weather impact lifestyle in Germany and Australia.
  • explore regions and cities of Germany.
  • plan, write and record a weather report.