
Trent, Scott, Thao, Akshata and Lisa 

Physical Education

What a term it has been for both PE and Sport! Last Friday we held our first ever Whole School Gilgai Plains PS Cross Country Carnival and it was a huge success. The weather was perfect and it was great to see so much support from our families and community. It was pleasing to see all students try their best and complete the course while gaining points for the House to go towards the Cross Country Championship, this will be awarded at Assembly today. We would like to thank all the students for dressing up in their houses colours and displaying our school values throughout the day. We would also like to thank our staff for their support, without them the day could not go ahead and we would also like to thank the Hume Council and Noel from the Donnybrook CC for their support with the running of the event.


Our Girls Cricket team’s run has finally come to an end, they smashed their way into the Northern Metro Region Grand Final but unfortunately narrowly lost the final to Gladstone Views Primary by 12 runs. The team has been outstanding this year, with their commitment to training and improving as well as their never say die attitude during our matches. We are very proud of their efforts and congratulate the team on making it to the Regional Final.


In PE this term we have focussed our efforts on building up for our Cross Country, learning about Soccer (just in time for the World Cup) and our Year 1-6 Students are currently finishing the topic of Tennis. The past few weeks we have learnt the forehand strike, serving, playing a rally and our Year 5/6 students have been playing mini tournaments.

The PE team would like to thank all the students for their hard work and dedication to improving themselves during PE lessons this year and we look forward to seeing the skills you develop over the summer.



In Science, Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students have been learning about the four steps in the water cycle - evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection, which they may have practised pronouncing at home. Students have planted their own class plant (herbs like sage, oregano, red basil, chives, etc.). They will be monitoring its growth over the coming weeks and recording their observations in their science journals. In the upcoming weeks, students will be making margherita pizza to understand the various plant and animal products that form the ingredients. 


We request parents to please contact your child’s classroom teacher or Science teachers (Mrs. Kini or Miss. N) if your child has allergies to dairy/ gluten products, or if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. 


Years 3 to 6  have been working extremely hard on their projects involving various astronomical phenomena. This is aimed at enhancing the learning gained this term in science, team building and presentation skills. Students have been working on their research and script, as well as making a visual aid (2D/3D model or poster) that they will be displayed during their presentation this week or next week. We have asked students to construct these projects with material that they may find at home or provided in the science lab. We request parents to only assist their child when necessary to make this project.


Performing Arts

It is hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of the year, and what a year it has been. To celebrate all of our hard work, we will be holding our school showcase next Friday 9 December. Our students at Gilgai Plains have been working extremely hard on their performance piece and we can not wait to share it with our teachers, parents, family and friends. Our evening will commence as follows:


5pm: Picnic (please bring your own picnic to share with your family. This is an outdoor event. Please bring any chairs or blankets and make yourself comfortable.

6:15pm: Showcase commences.


Please return any Showcase forms back to your classroom teacher and please notify your teacher if you will be absent. If you have any questions in regards to your child’s costume, please do not hesitate to ask. You can email me through Compass or see me at school. 

I look forward to a wonderful celebration of our first year at Gilgai Plains Primary School.