Year 5 & 6

Suzie, Candice & Ashley

December has arrived and with it our preparations for a variety of end of year celebrations. Our 5/6 students are busy learning the last of the curriculum for the year as well as reflecting on their first (and for some their last) year at Gilai Plains. It is important at this time for our students to continue to attend school every day so they obtain as much learning as possible before the holidays.


Important Dates

 Term 4

●        Friday 9th December – School Performance

●        Tuesday 13th December – Meet the Teacher Day

●        Wednesday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation Evening

●        Monday 19th December – Student Free Day

●        Tuesday 20th December – Student Free Day


Learning Together in 5/6

We have been exploring poetry through our Reading and Writing studies over the last few weeks. Poetry is a wonderful way to explore the rhythm and rhyme of the English language as well as the various imagery devices we can use to make language interesting. Poetry also lends itself well humour, satire and deep emotion.


In Numeracy the students have been investigating spatial problem-solving tasks that involve building towers with blocks and viewing them from multiple angles. The task includes drawing the 2D perspectives of towers so they can understand the link between 2D and 3D and how sections of a 3D object can be there, even when we can’t see all of it.

 The students have been working hard to research and complete their Inquiry projects about Australians who have had an impact on our country. During these sessions the students have worked collaboratively to research and share information. They have synthesised, organised and displayed their information on project paper and then presented it to their peers. Throughout this process they have learnt important facts about influential current and historical Australians.


Year 6 Uniforms

The current Year 5 students have recently been measured for the Grade 6 polo tops and jumpers that distinguish them as the leaders of the school for their Grade 6 year. This is a very exciting time for them and they loved contributing to the design ideas for this. It is great to see them so excited about being the leaders of the school and vying for leadership opportunities such as school and house captain positions.


Year 6 Graduation

Grade 6 graduation is just around the corner and our Year 6 students are really excited for the big night on the 14th of December. Please remember to pay this week as we will be ordering the dinner next week. It will be a fantastic night to celebrate this wonderful cohort of Year 6 students as they make their transition to secondary school.


We have all enjoyed a fantastic year with this cohort of students and will be sad to see them leave Gilgai Plains. We know they will all do a wonderful job as they take on the challenges of Secondary education.


We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season!