Year 3 & 4

Aleisha, Coen, Emily, Natalie & Rikki

We cannot believe how quickly the end of the year is approaching. All of our Year 3/4 students have shown a tremendous amount of growth this past year and should be so proud of themselves. As we reflect on our first year at Gilgai Plains Primary School we are amazed at what we have achieved and are happy with the values that we have instilled in each of our students. We would like to end the year with a positive note so we will be incorporating some fun activities to finish off with, please ensure that you are checking compass regularly so you are up to date with all the information. 

All the teachers in the Year 3/4 team would like to pass on our gratitude to all parents for their kindness and support over this past year. We are really very lucky to have such a wonderful cohort of students. Thank you!


Inquiry Expo

As we are at the end of our Biological Science Inquiry Unit, Year 3/4 students will be holding an expo in our classrooms. This expo will be on Wednesday 7th December 2.30-3pm. During the expo students will have the opportunity to share their inquiry projects showcasing everything they have learned throughout the unit. As the students have also been looking at threats to ecosystems we would appreciate it if everyone attending the expo could bring a gold coin donation which will be donated to a charity that our students choose.


Year 3/4 End of Year Celebration Afternoon

To celebrate and acknowledge all of the hard work our students have done this year we are having an End of Year Celebration afternoon. This afternoon will be on Wednesday 14th December and  involve a special hot chip and potato cake lunch, icy poles and watching the movie - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. More information about this afternoon will be posted on Compass shortly.



  • Wednesday 7th December - Inquiry Expo
  • Friday 9th December - End of Year Concert
  • Wednesday 14th December - Year 3/4 End of Year Celebration afternoon
  • Friday 16th December - Last day of school 
  • Monday 19th December - Student Free Day
  • Tuesday 20th December – Student Free Day


In Reading, we have continued to read the mentor text ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone’. Our students have been thoroughly engaged in the text and are really looking forward to watching the movie at our End of Year Celebration afternoon. Students have been working hard on making connections to the text and themselves as well as to other texts. We have also consolidated our knowledge of verbs, adverbs and homophones. 


In Writing, we are finishing off the year with another unit on poetry. Students have again been exploring different types of poetry and trying to create their own poems. We have looked at different poetry devices such as alliteration, repetition and onomatopoeia to make our poems really engaging. Students have really enjoyed writing poems and we hope they have shared some of their work with you.


In Numeracy, we are working on Multiplication and Division and how they are related. Students have recapped different strategies they can use to solve problems and have worked on answering worded questions. We have also been looking at chance and the likelihood of events happening. Students are also participating in lessons that work on calculating length and perimeter. 


In Inquiry, our students have been working very hard on their inquiry projects. Students chose an ecosystem and researched living and nonliving things that make up that ecosystem. Our students had the choice of how they would like to present their project and we are so excited to see what they come up with. We are really looking forward to sharing this learning at our upcoming expo.



Home Learning

It is expected that students in Year 3/4 read for at least 20 minutes, five times a week and record it in their diaries. All classes have take home books for the students to read and classroom teachers are checking student diaries weekly. Students have also been provided with numeracy tasks that they can complete at home. If you have any questions about home learning please speak to your child’s teacher.


SunSmart School

It’s Term 4 and that means we are entering the warmer months of the year and the sun will be out in force. Our school’s policy is that for Terms 1 and 4 all students will be needing to wear hats when out in the yard, regardless of whether the sun is shining brightly - this is because we are aiming to reinforce positive sunsmart practices and it helps to protect us from harmful UV rays. We suggest students keeping their hats in their tubs at school, not bags, to limit forgetting them. If you would like to wash them we recommend it being done on Fridays. 


Uniform Reminder

We kindly ask to ensure that all students are wearing the correct uniform at all times, this includes the school hats and jackets and black shoes. If your child is wearing an undershirt we also ask that it be a black or darker colour to match our wonderful school uniform. Please ensure all uniforms have your child’s name and grade on them. 



Teachers would appreciate it if families could please donate a box of tissues to our classrooms. Thank you.


iPad and Headphones

Please ensure that your child brings their iPad to school everyday, fully charged. Can we also ask that each student has their own pair of headphones to go with their device and brings them daily.