Year 2

Renee, Chris, Teagan & Sarah

Term 4 is nearly complete and with it a fabulous 2022 and the first year of Gilgai Plains Primary School. It has been such an amazing time and we have seen our students grow along with our school. We’re revising our learning and preparing for next year, and soon we will bid farewell to our lovely Year 2’s and watch them do incredible things in Year 3. 

There are still a few more things coming up for the remainder of the year, so please take some time to read through our newsletter.


School Performance

On Wednesday 9th December we will be having Gilgai Plains’ first school performance. A Compass post has been recently sent out, and our students have been hard at work in Ms O’Dowd’s Performing Arts Class to put on something truly special. We’ve seen what they have been working on and it is special! We are asking students to wear something sparkly, glittery or something that is of a bright colour. 


SunSmart School

It’s Term 4 and that means we are entering the warmer months of the year and the sun will be out in force. Our school’s policy is that for Terms 1 and 4 all students will be needing to wear hats when out in the yard, regardless of whether the sun is shining brightly - this is because we are aiming to reinforce positive sunsmart practices and it helps to protect us from harmful UV rays. We suggest students keeping their hats in their tubs at school, not bags, to limit forgetting them. If you would like to wash them we recommend it being done on Fridays. 


Uniform Reminder

We kindly ask to ensure that all students are wearing the correct uniform at all times, this includes the school hats and jackets and black shoes. If your child is wearing an undershirt we also ask that it be a black or darker colour to match our wonderful school uniform. Please ensure all uniforms have your child’s name and grade on them.


It’s Not Great To Be Late

It is important that your child is punctual to school. Students who are late miss out on the roll call, vital information about the day or events that are coming up and most importantly – their learning time. However, we understand that mornings can be very busy and sometimes students are not able to make it into the classroom before the 9am bell. If this is the case it is important that the school procedure is followed. Parents must accompany their child to the office to be signed in before going to the classroom. Rolls are marked promptly by 9am to make sure that learning can begin on time. 


It’s Not Okay To Be Away

Every day is full of very important learning opportunities for your child. It is very important that your child attends school everyday. We understand that sometimes your child may be unwell and need to stay home. If your child is absent due to medical or personal reasons, their absence must be explained. Please contact the school office or upload your child’s absence onto Compass.


Important Dates

Friday 2nd December Whole School Assembly at 2:15

Friday 9th December School Performance

Tuesday 13th December Meet the Teacher

Friday 16th December Final Whole School Assembly

Friday 16th December Last Day of 2022


Learning in Year 2


We have been continuing to work on our comprehension skills in reading, including recognising the differences with literal and inferred questions and how to answer them using our critical thinking skills.  



We’ve continued learning about persuasive techniques and incorporating this into our writing. We have been using hyperboles, rhetorical questions and other techniques to make our writing stronger and more interesting. 



For mathematics, we have been learning new strategies that can help us refine our knowledge for maths concepts, such as doubles and near-doubles, the knockout strategy and predicting and logical guessing. 



For history, we have been delving into how technology has changed in the last hundred years, such as the growth of communication technology and phones, cameras and other elements. 


Areas of Focus


Week 9

Week 10

Week 11


Paraphrasing.Revision.Christmas Activities


Persuasive writing and techniques

Grammar focus: adjectives.

Persuasive writing and techniques

Grammar focus: 


Christmas Activities


Time- Telling time to the half and quarter hours.


Measuring elements and determining which can hold more and by how much.

Christmas Activities


History- Changes to daily life and technologies and our livelihoods.History- Changes to daily life and technologies and our livelihoods.History- Revision


Preparing for Grade 3- getting to know other students and work with different teachers.Preparing for Grade 3- getting to know other students and work with different teachers.Preparing for Grade 3- getting to know other students and work with different teachers.