
Deanna, Lisa, Ashlea, Dee, Tash, Casey, Caitlin & Brianna

Term 4 is almost complete and students have had an exciting and memorable first year at Gilgai Plains Primary School.  We have had the pleasure to share this experience with our students and watch them grow in all areas. We are focusing on revising and consolidating our knowledge from this year. Students are also preparing for next year and soon will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher and class.


Reminder: Please ensure your child has their school hat with them. Students without a hat will be asked to play under shade. It is a requirement under our School Policy that students require a hat during Term 1 and Term 4.


Important Dates

Term 4

  • Friday 2nd December - Foundation Breakfast
  • Friday 9th December - School Picnic and Celebration Production
  • Friday 16th December - Last day of school for students
  • Monday 19th December - Student Free Day
  • Tuesday 20th December – Student Free Day

Upcoming Events


Foundation breakfast

We will be having a Foundation Breakfast. Students will be able to come to school in their pyjamas for the day and we will be having breakfast at school! There will be no cost for families for this event. 


End of Year Showcase/School Performance


On Friday 9th of December we will have our very first School Performance. Information has been posted on Compass. Please make sure you return your attendance form to your classroom teacher. The following grades are asked to dress in their theme which is detailed below. 

Foundation A and B: Toy Story 

Foundation C and D: Minions 

Foundation E and F: Wet weather gear such as raincoats and gumboots.

Foundation G and H: 70s theme





Home readers are being collected now that we are at the end of the year. Please ensure that any home readers you may have at home are returned to school. You may wish for your child to continue nightly reading and use the Sunshine Online app to find levelled books to read. If you have any questions about homework, please see your child’s classroom teacher. 


Naming of personal items 

Please ensure that all your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their full name. If items are labelled, then they can be returned to your child or easily found if handed in to the front office.



Every day is full of very important learning opportunities for your child. It is very important that your child attends school everyday. We understand that sometimes your child may be unwell and need to stay home. If your child is absent due to medical or personal reasons, please contact the school office or upload your child’s absence onto Compass. 

Late passes

We understand that mornings can be very busy and sometimes students are not able to make it into the classroom before the 9am bell. If this is the case it is important that the school procedure is followed where you escort your child to the office to be signed in before going to the classroom. Rolls are marked promptly by 9am to make sure that learning can begin on time. 


Learning in Foundation



In Literacy, we have been consolidating our knowledge of the digraph sounds. These sounds are sh, ch, tch, th, ng, ph and wh. Students have practised recognising these sounds in various texts as well as trying to include the correct digraph sound when writing. In our daily writing we have been revising all of the text types we have explored so far; lists, narratives, letters, information reports and recounts. 



In Numeracy, students have learnt doubles with addition. They have had the opportunity to gain knowledge of this concept in games, activities and fluency tasks. In Foundation we have also been looking at data. Students have been busy collecting, graphing and analysing their own data. 



In Inquiry we continue to explore our focus for the term which is Geography. Students have been exploring the Ocean. Our focuses have been identifying what the ocean looks like, how to dress for the ocean and how we can look after the Ocean. We have been continuing to use the Inquiry Space where students are able to choose their activity for the session from a wide variety of options.