Principal's Update

Student Leadership

2023 School Captains

Congratulations to our newly elected School Captains and Vice Captains 


                          School Captains                                           School Vice Captains                   

                          Ava                                                                    Talia 

                          Isaac (absent in photo)                                Zayed          

I look forward to working with our new School Captains in 2023. Being selected as a School Captain is a rigorous process - sometimes more rigorous than when we, as adults, do to apply for a job! The students who applied were required to write a speech stating why they thought they would make a good School Captain and present this to the Year 5 students and teachers. I know that our new School Leaders will make us proud!


A huge thank you to our 2022 School Captains Cedar and Chris, and the Vice Captains, Elsa and Nour, who all year have demonstrated their amazing leadership skills.

Flying to Foundation

Over the duration of our Flying to Foundation transition program, parents have been attending information sessions in the staff room. At one of these information sessions parents were asked what qualities and strengths they would like to see in their children when they leave Greenvale Primary School in Year 6. 


These were some of the responses.

  • ‘Respectful – for themselves and others’
  • ‘Resilient’
  • ‘Confident learner and person’
  • ‘Developed sport knowledge’
  • ‘Environmental awareness’
  • ‘Getting along with others’
  • ‘Happy’
  • ‘Show love and empathy’
  • ‘Independent’
  • ‘Honesty’
  • ‘Emotional balance’ – ‘Well balanced’
  • ‘Self Esteem’
  • ‘Thankful to school for education’
  • ‘Problem solving skills’
  • ‘Can think for themselves’
  • ‘Makes good decisions’
  • ‘Not easily influenced’
  • ‘Love of learning’ – ‘Literate and Numerate’

These are also the qualities and strengths we aspire to in our students. The partnership between school and home is an important factor in making these a reality. We look forward to working together with all of our families of our new Foundation students for 2023.

Stepping up to 2023

On Tuesday 13th December, our students who are in Years 1 to Year 6 next year, will spend some time with their new teacher and classmates for 2023 from 9:30-10:45am, Teachers have now been allocated to the year level they will be teaching, they are as follows:

FoundationMichelle Dodd (PLC Leader), Daniella Hadchiti, Marcel Pulo, Laura Doran, Violetta Mladenova
Year 1Madeleine Jordan (PLC Leader), Heather Stevenson,  Michelle Barton 0.5 / Elicia Briggs 0.5, Rebecca Muldoon
Year 2Caitlin Cristallini (PLC Leader), Amanda Dawson, Megan Wong, Yongty Lav               
Year 3Robert Rovetto (PLC Leader), Bianca Strangis, Emma Wilson                                  
Year 3/4 & 4John Scollo (PLC Leader), Peta Law, Olivia Di Giorgio, Andrea Rudnickij                   
Year 5Bay Fikri (PLC Leader), Elisa Mirenda 0.5/ Brett McGinniskin 0.5, Nicola Dean, Fabio Cardona                         
Year 6Jessica Wynd (PLC Leader), Daniel Wardan, Joshua Anderson, Adriana Iacono                       



Art – Emily Wilkes / Sarah Lord 

PA – Sonya Cunado, Gwen Hutchison

Italian - Eleonora Schembri / Heather Foletta

Phys Ed – Andreas Jordanidis / Antoinette Usai / Sujata Symons

Science Specialist – Sujata Symons

EAL – Jane O’Halloran / Sarah Lord 

PSD / Inclusive Learning - Trudy Williams

Literacy Intervention – Linda Doig, Narelle De Young

Maths Coaches – Elicia Briggs, Brett McGinniskin

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) – Marija Jordan

Welcomes and Farewells

It is that time of year again………


We are delighted to welcome our new staff to Greenvale Primary School in 2023

Teaching staff – Laura Doran, Violetta Mladenova, Amanda Dawson, Yongty Lav, Emma Wilson, Andrea Rudnickij, Olivia Di Giorgio, Fabio Cardona, Adriana Iacono. It is seems that teachers across Victoria are scarce so we are really pleased that we could appoint and allocate teachers without impacting on other programs.                 



A big farewell to both Marge Lang and Joyce Hickling who are retiring after many, many years of teaching at Greenvale Primary School. They have touched the lives of so many students and families across the years. 


Before the school year ends, you might like to say goodbye to the following staff who are also moving on for numerous reasons.   We thank them for their commitment to our students at Greenvale Primary School - Erika Borinaga, Shannon Carroll, Adrianna Kassavetis, Sheridan Costa, Ayhan Akin, Sophie Dimou, Jack Synan and Morgan Anstey-Sprigg.

Year 6 Graduation

I am looking forward to seeing our Year 6 students Graduate next week. This event is a celebration of their time at Greenvale Primary School and a farewell to the next stage of their schooling.


In advance, I would like to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 students who have made us so proud. They have been an amazing group and have really demonstrated that “Greenvale Kids are Great Kids”! We wish them all the best for their secondary schooling and hope that they come back and visit us when they can.


As this is our last Newsletter for the year, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all our families a joyful Christmas and hope that you enjoy the holiday break. Look forward to seeing you all back safely in 2023! 


Students in Year 1 – Year 6 return to school on Monday 30th January, 2023.


Foundation students begin on Monday 6th February, 2023. During the first week of school, every Foundation student will, however, have an assessment and interview time with their teacher.


Curriculum Day - Monday 19th December

No students are required at school on this day. Teachers will spend the day planning the curriculum for 2023. We have invited all new staff to be part of this process to ensure that they are prepared for 2023. 


Stepping up to 2023

On Tuesday 13th December, all Foundation to Year 5 students will spend time in their new classroom with their new class and teacher.


School Finishes at 1:30pm on Tuesday 20th December 2022.


Angelika Ireland