Technology News

Technology Classes

Pilots and More Coding

Classes have been engineering seats for our pilots, Rainbow, Not Harry Potter, Anna, Dora and Dora. Alongside these great engineering feats the Year 2 students have also been programming the robots to react to their environment, attempting to avoid obstacles.

Here's a sneak-peek at the Robot programming challenges we have coming up next week, if you visited our BBQ/Bake Sale on the 26th you'll see him in action.


With the Year 2, 3, 4 Laptop rollout completed students are now learning the basics of owning a Laptop. Each student in Year 2 and above has a touch-typing account, which will be used to support students to learn touch-typing, an invaluable skill for their schooling and beyond. 


Grade 2KH have caught up to 2TW, with both classes now averaging 10 words per minute.


Grades 5/6C have been working hard, catching up to 5/6M, both now tied at 20 words per minute.


For any students wishing to practice typing at home here's the link to our school's typing club:


Keep typing and creating!

-Mr Taylor