School News 

Junior School Council

Holy Fools Christmas Donation Announcement

James and Ruby from 3/4K providing us with information about the Holy Fools charity.


Christmas Celebration

We are excited to celebrate Christmas with the Rolling Hills Primary School community at our Christmas Celebration event on Monday 12th December from 5pm. 

What is happening on the night? 

(4.50pm – Year 5/6 Trumpet and Trombone players to meet Ms Warner at the front office.) 

5pm – Christmas Celebration opens 

                                Gaze in awe at the beautiful RHPS Annual Art Show 

                                Wander through the mini Christmas market  

                                Buy some dinner from the P&F BBQ or a sweet treat from the Canteen 

                                Pep yourself up with a coffee or ice-cream purchased from one of the food vans 

                                Enjoy live music by student musicians 

                                Keep an eye out for a special, jolly visitor 

6.20pm – Art show closes. All students meet their teachers in their allocated class spot on the top oval. 

6.30pm – Food service ends. Carols begin! 

                                Students remain with their teachers for the duration of the carols concert.  

7.30pm – Carols conclude. 

                                Students are collected from their class areas to go home. 

                                Any assistance packing up would be greatly appreciated. 

What do I need to wear? 

Students are encouraged to dress in a Christmas theme. Christmas t-shirts, costumes, red/ green/ white/ silver/ gold clothing, reindeer ears, Santa hats, Christmas ribbons/ bows/ hats, tinsel etc. Students need to be able to dance comfortably in their outfit and please, no thongs for safety reasons. 

Payments on the night 

P&F are able to take cash or card payments for food. They will also be selling raffle tickets on the night, for the opportunity to win some sensational prizes.  

Can’t attend the Carols? 

All students are expected to attend the Carols but if your child is unable to attend, please advise the classroom teacher as soon as possible. 

What if it rains? 

We are hoping for beautiful summer weather, however we do have a wet weather plan if we need it.  


We look forward to seeing you there! 

Belinda Granger (Art), Kate Warner (Performing Arts) and Jacinta Parolo (P&F) 

Prep News

We have been super busy in Prep with swimming, assembly, wind-o-meters and even making fairy bread!   We also enjoyed an indoor teddy bear picnic with our buddies, with students getting to take home their red bears.     

In Reading, students have loved representing their favourite book characters through chalk drawings.  They have been applying their decoding skills to read more complex texts and revising common words.   

Students have been learning to write procedural texts enjoying the hands on learning of doing before wrting!  This has included writing how to wash your hands and how to make fairy bread.   

In Maths, students have loved exploring money, identifying, classifying and sorting different coins.   

Students have been investigating how wind is made and observing wind using their wind-o-meters around the school. 

You also might have heard your child humming a very famous Christmas carol recently.  Our preparation for our school carols night is well under way and we can’t wait!  


Kind regards, 

The Prep Team

Alarna Creed, Allie Harrison and Elyce Munnecke

Level 1/2 News

Science is a wonderful topic to explore, and this term we are loving discovering new things. We cannot wait to show you our new knowledge.

In Grade 1, we have been exploring the Moon and the stars by becoming creators of our very own space box. It was super exciting to use air-dry clay to create the moon in our groups. We used sticks to add details such as craters. We will continue this in the following weeks and explore the moon cycle.


In Grade 2, we have been exploring water cycles and how to measure rainfall. We used new scientific vocabulary; and created a rain gauge out of a water bottle to measure rainfall and to record the data we discovered. You might have seen our rain gauge as we have taken some home to explore further. 


In Grade One, our Buddies joined us to explore and discuss resilience. We also enjoyed playing Maths board games and it was a pleasure seeing the older students supporting their Grade One Buddies, teaching some Maths strategies and encouraging them to try their best! Some things we heard were ‘They helped me with my Maths’, ‘Doing maths with my Buddies was fun,’ and we saw many smiles.


The Level 1 /2 Team 

Daena Hailey, Llinos Poole, Sally Newton, Emma Wright, Tim Wilson, Kayla Hartrick 

Level 3/4 News

8 weeks of Term 4 have already flown by! It has been another very busy couple of weeks.


This week level 3/4 experienced an incursion. They got to go inside a space dome in the gym and explored all things to do with the solar system and space. This was a great experience and they learnt a lot!


In Reading, students have been looking at researching an author of their choice, summarising the information including bullet points.


In Writing students have been exploring Author Study's and learnt how to structure a short autobiography on their own life. 


The last two weeks in Maths students we have looked at Multiplication and Division. They were learning to;


 use a variety of strategies such as vertical multiplication, lattice, box, etc. to solve multiplication problems  

 use estimation to answer multiplication problems   

 use number sentences to solve worded problems involving multiplication  

solve division problems with no remainder using a range of different mental and written strategies  

use estimation to answer division problems  

 use number sentences to solve worded problems involving division  


In Inquiry, students have started building their sets, props and characters for their Stop Motion movie. Some have started taking photos of their characters to put together to make their story. 


Have a great weekend. 

The Level 3/4 Team

Damien Smith, Rachel Boyle, Katie Smith, Carolyn Allen & Hayley Peirce.