Principal's Message

The end of the school year is upon us and we marvel at the many opportunities that we have had to relate with others,  participate in new experiences and expand our learning horizons.


We started the year by presenting our new School Improvement Plan and it is worth reflecting on the priorities and goals that we have set.


Priority: Learn, Lead and Live the Core Values


                 Goal: To give witness to Kildare Ministries Living Justice Living Peace: Learning                                  with Wonder, Leading with Courage, Living with Compassion. 


Priority: Succeed and Flourish


                 Goal:  To optimise the growth and wellbeing for every Marian student and staff                                    member.


Priority: Engage Community Partnerships 


                 Goal: To build and sustain authentic partnerships.


It is hoped that you see all members of our community connected with these priorities in some way over the course of the year. They are very aspirational. However, we set the bar high so that all can see that we want to strive to be of service to others to ensure that there is a quality future for all. 


I take this opportunity to thank all parents and guardians for their support in upholding the Kildare Ministries Core Values and the Vision of Marian College. You have been ably supported by the College staff who ensure that all the young people have opportunities to be the best person they can be. I also celebrate and thank the students for their commitment to one another. I recognise that there have been many challenges and acknowledge your perseverance and determination to overcome. For some, those challenges may still be evident so I encourage you to look for support through some of the avenues that have been made available to you.


I wish the Year 12's of 2022 well as they await the release of VCE results, ATAR's and future pathways. We are confident that you will be well prepared for whatever doorway to the future is opened for you.


As we are in the weeks that lead to Christmas I pray all good blessings for all our families and the wider community. May this time be one where you share the love of family, the comfort of friends and the joy of the birth of our Lord.


I wish you all a safe and holy holiday season and wonderful New Year.


Raymond Pisani
