Learning Community 3
We would like to welcome all of our students back after what was a terrific break. It's fantastic to see our Senior Students show initiative and leadership as they are now the leaders of our school. It has been a busy first two weeks with some assessment taking place and a lot of 'getting to know you' activities.
In Reading, we have discussed Literature Circles and how they will look in the Senior School. We have been working on improving our reading stamina and making sure the students are choosing "Good Fit" books to read independently. We have asked that all students read at home at least 5 times a week. We are currently in the process of ordering Reading Diaries for students to record the nights read. When these arrive, we would expect students to bring them in on a Friday. In support of encouraging our Senior Students to read weekly, Friday afternoon Clubs are being discussed to reward students who read weekly with an activity of their choice in the last hour on a Friday afternoon. We would love to celebrate the success that comes along with regular reading in our classrooms and as a whole school.
In Writing, we have focused on sentence structure, including punctuation and connectives to build on students' knowledge of complex sentences. We are also looking at the structure of Narrative and Persuasive texts, in preparation for NAPLAN which is scheduled for week 7 in Term 1.
In Math's, our focus has been on Place Value and Number. Students have been able to play games and practise these skills in class to consolidate on their prior knowledge. We are encouraging students to practise their times tables as often as possible to assist with the quick recall of facts. Students have enjoyed the collaborative working environment in maths, where they can learn and discuss concepts with their peers.
As our Newsletter is now fortnightly, we will share our student achievers every alternate week. This week Lacey was the achiever in 5/6BL for showing perseverance, resilience and kindness as she settled into her new classroom. 5/6H student has such a flying start to the week and Mrs Howard is very proud of all of them and couldn't choose just one stand out! The student achiever in 5/6 S was Elliot for settling in so well and being respectful and responsible.
Mrs Glenys Howard, Mrs Jess Beilby, Miss Alex Lewis, Miss Nicole Stark, Mrs Leanne McKane.