Learning Community 2
We have had a wonderful start to 2023 in Grades 3 and 4.
In Week One we spent the week getting to know our teachers and classmates! We had lots of fun doing craft activities and learning our classroom routines. We also started our specialist classes including Science, Art, Digital Technology and two PE lessons! We did lots of testing to ensure we start the year off ready to go!
In Week Two we started to get into the swing of things with daily Reading, Writing and Maths lessons. In Reading we refreshed our memories on how to pick a good fit book, ensuring that we choose books that are interesting and are not too difficult or too easy. We also worked on identifying characters and settings, and summarising a text using a couple of different approaches. In Writing we revised our knowledge of the THRASS chart and looked at simple sentences. We explored Narrative writing and started to use a template to plan and draft our own story. In Maths we worked on Number and Place Value, in particular reading, writing, expanding and ordering 3 to 4 digit numbers.
This week we also started our unit of work on Friendship through exploring the book Charlotte's Web. This will work in beautifully with the work we are doing in Respectful Relationships, and through our PBS focuses on Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
All students should be bringing home their reading diaries each night, and we strongly recommend 20 minutes of reading a night. Please have your child record the books they read as these will go towards achieving reading awards. We also ask that parents sign the diary once a week.
We are super excited for a wonderful year in Grades 3/4!
Ms Sarah Munday, Miss Maxine Howard, Ms Melisa Jong, Ms Kris Preston.