Curriculum Matters 


This term the Foundation students have been learning about places and people in their local community. 

They explored how to stay safe around unknown people and dogs, as well as how to stay safe on the roads. This week they enjoyed dressing up as their favourite community helper and presenting their diorama projects that represented areas in the local community. 

A Year in Review

We started the year a bit nervous, coming into new classrooms and meeting new friends. Meeting the buddies was fantastic, and we enjoyed many activities during the year such as an Easter Egg hunt and making a 100 days’ crown. The Foundation students made it out of the school for a Teddy’s Bear’s picnic to Bicentennial Park, a trip to the Melbourne Zoo and a Community Excursion to Knox City. We enjoyed the whole school activities such as the Silent Disco, Kaboom Day, Footy Day and the Colour Run.  

Level 1

A Year in Review

It has been an amazing year in Level 1 this year. 

We have really enjoyed seeing all the children grow and learn in various areas. Some of the highlights of this year were our Outdoor Ed Night, Glow Day, Weather Incursion, Train Like A Vixen and fun with Professor Bunsen. We all had a great time getting wet and colourful at the Colour Run. 


We wish everyone a happy and restful holiday break, 

The Level 1 Teachers 

Level 2

On the first day of Summer, Level 2 students headed off on an excursion to extend their knowledge of habitats and the animals and plants that live in them. 

The group ventured to the Moonlit Sanctuary in Pearcedale and the learning began. The students experienced an up-close reptile encounter (where the unfortunate teachers had an enormous snakeskin wrapped around their shoulders), a tour of the park and a walk with the wallabies. They learnt interesting facts such as wombats produce cubed poos, kangaroos can’t move backwards and almost all native animal populations are decreasing. Moonlit Sanctuary helps rescue animals that have been hurt or caught in fires and they have a breeding program to increase populations of native animals. 

Most Level 2 students gave this excursion a 5 star rating!

“I thought it was great because we extended our learning and learnt new facts about mammals.” Mila 2N
“I liked how they told us what type of animal they were plus lots of fun facts.” Charlotte 2N
“We got to touch some animals and it was good to learn new facts.” Cohen 2N
“Tasmanian Devils don’t like other Tasmanian Devils.” Marley 2H
“21 of the most venomous snakes live in Australia.” Xuan 2H

Level 3

On Tuesday 29th of November and Thursday 1st December, the year 3 students had an incursion called 'Democracy, Community & Me' it was all about local government which is part of our inquiry topic this term. 

We learnt how preferential voting works and how the local government makes decisions. The first activity we did was preferential voting, to vote which candidate would be given the title of ‘Mayor’. We had to pick from 6 different candidates who all had different areas that they cared about and rank them 1-6. The candidate had an important part in the next activity which was acting out a council meeting and seeing how they ran. The one we acted out was a discussion on if we should allow dogs off lead in the local park. The community gave their opinions and the council voted ‘yes’ to the questions after different opinion and discussions were heard. 

The incursion was really fun and we learnt a lot about how the local council works.


written by Cathy 3BK

A Year in Review


In term 1, we had an excursion to Melbourne Zoo and it was great fun to see the animals. We also learnt about animal enrichments. Everyone got to make an animal enrichment toy for the Melbourne Zoo and their animals. 

We also got to start L.O.T.E. where we learnt mandarin numbers. At first it was tricky for new mandarin learners but we then most of us got used to it and so we had a brilliant time and great fun at L.O.T.E! 

We also had the chance to be a class representative. 3BK’s reps were Abdul Hadi and Siyara. 3C’s were Hudson R, Ethan S and Sophie. 3S’ were Yanni and Alexis and 3J’s were Ayden and Scarlet.


In term 2, we had Professor Bunsen science incursion about hot and cold temperatures. We all got to see very cool and interesting moments and everyone had lots of fun. 

In L.O.T.E we learnt about family members mum, dad, sister, brother etc. 

We did Minecraft education in digital technology this first semester and we built story summaries in Minecraft education. 


In term 3, we got to go to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. We all got to see the underground mines and go on a horse and carriage. At the end of the gold mine tour, we all got to see a golden nugget. Inside the gold mine tour we saw a projected video about finding the gold nugget. We slept at a room with lots of bunk beds. Some of us were on the bottom and some of us were on the top of the bunk bed. I think camp was the highlight for most of us this year. 

We also got another opportunity to become class reps. This semesters class reps are; 3BK’s are Talal and Aaradhya, 3C’s are Archie and Zimo, 3J’s are Jett and Ava and 3S’ are George and Claudia. 

We also had a schoolwide activity, the Fun Run and Kaboom incursion.


In term 4 we had a council/election incursion. We all had so much fun. We have started our Christmas activities which are so fun. 

We had 2 school wide activities. The Fun Fair, which we got to be a part of and reverse Advent Calendar. 

Grade 3 was such a great year and we all had so much fun!

written by Sunjae & Thomas R

Level 6

A Year in Review

One special highlight of year 6 is the annual level 6 Egg Drop. 

In this amazing activity, all students participate in creating a character for their egg, designing a habitat or scenery for their eggs to live in, and building a contraption to help the eggs survive a throw over a volleyball net. 

This year, we saw some brilliant designs and sceneries for eggs. Everyone had so much fun participating in this awesome event, and the winner was Zané, who achieved full marks, (and some extra ones as well). All in all, egg drop is an event which everyone looks forward to and enjoys immensely.

Evan, 6P

On the 18 th of July the Level 6’s went on a 4-night camp to the Alexandra Adventure Resort. 

We were all super excited as we haven’t been on a camp since Level 3 due to Covid 19. Over the 5 days at Alexandra Adventure Resort, we participated in many activities. The Flying Fox, High Ropes Course, Laser Tag, Leap of Faith, Giant Swing, Rock Climbing were just a few of the awesome activities that were at camp. 

Along with the activities we were also given some delicious food. Some of the meals we had were hotdogs, tacos, fish n chips, Bolognese bake and baked potatoes. Of course, the activities and food were a major part of camp but we can’t forget about the fact that we got to spend a whole week with our friends. 

Overall camp was an amazing experience that we will never forget and we are all so grateful for the effort that our teachers put in to make sure that we had the best time ever.

Jade, 6S

One of the highlights of Grade 6 is the Energy Breakthrough challenge. 

On the 16th of November the Grade 6’s and a few Grades 5’s went to Maryborough. 

We sent up 2 pushcart teams and 3 HPV teams to compete. They had to compete in a series of events including Sprint, Endurance and Obstacle while the HPV teams had to complete in an Endurance Trial, Design and Construction and Display and Presentation. We all had a great time, the pushcart team Thunder won Presentation & Display with an overall score of 14th place, while Lightning got the best ever JPPS Design & Construction score with 28.5 and came 13th overall. 

Meanwhile the HPV teams raced fast and tried their best. Shazzam came 16th and 10th overall, vanquish came 6th and 5th overall and Phoenix came 5th in the race with an overall score of 4th. 

All in all, it was a very successful year, perhaps even the most successful. 

We hope the school gets more opportunities like this in coming years!

Ayaan, 6W

On the 8th of November the Year 6 students held the annual whole school fete. 

It was an awesome opportunity for the Year 6 students to experience real life situations as well as a fun day for the rest of the school. As Year 6’s we have been preparing for this day for around 8 weeks, this included creating signs, budgeting and planning out how our stall will run. 

The day started off with a bang as the foundation to Year 2 students freely hurried around the oval. They got to enjoy all the fun activities available. Some of the most popular stalls were the Food Shops, Cupcake Decorating, Spin the Wheel and Choco Mountain. 

After recess it was time for the Year 3’s to Year 5’s to roam around the fete. Due to the warm weather Zooper Doopers were a very popular choice and sold out quickly. 

At 1pm the whole school was invited back onto the oval to spend the rest of their money on the fun activities and food. 

The day was a success as everyone had a blast and the school raised $3500.

Ava, 6W & Mitch, 6S