Junior School

Junior School Term 4 Report
As the end of 2022 fast approaches, the Junior School Team would like to acknowledge the effort and growth of students in years 7, 8 and 9. Our return to school after two years of lockdowns and remote learning has seen may challenges and we are impressed by the resilience of our students.
Over the summer break, we encourage all students to take the time to relax and re-energize but also to reflect on the year and set goals for 2023. Think about your achievements and consider areas that could be improved and create a list of strategies that you can employ to achieve your goals for 2023.
Celebration Assemblies
Our end of semester celebration assemblies have once again taken place and we were proud to hand out certificates for Academic Excellence, Excellence in Performance and Attitude, and 100% Attendance. We also announced the semester two Community Spirit Award recipients. This award is presented to a student in each year level who exemplifies our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
Congratulations to:
- Delan Balasubramanyan of Year 7
- Liv Hutchins of Year 8
- Jacinta Dray of Year 9
New Year New Students
Term three is a term of transitions as all students prepare to make a move from one year level to the next. It was a pleasure to meet so many new families at the Year 7 Information Night and we welcome you to the Lyndale Secondary College community.
Our current year 7s will no longer be the youngest in the school and many put their hand up to support the Year 7 Orientation Day on Tuesday 13th December. Their help was greatly welcomed, and they were a wonderful asset on the day as they answered questions and helped our new cohort of year 7 students to navigate the school grounds.
Out current year 8s are preparing to be the role models of Junior School as they move into year 9 next year. We have had many students nominate for various captaincy roles in 2023 and all positions will be finalised in the first weeks of term 1.
Finally, we have our year 9 students moving from being Junior students into the Senior school. We have watched these students mature over the past year as they have started to think about their future and they role they have to play in achieving their future goals. We look forward to seeing how they continue to change and learn over the next three years and wish them every success in year 10.
Year 9 City Experience
During the first two weeks of Term 4, Year 9 students travelled to the city and participated in City Experience. The city is a big place and although we were hesitant at the start of the week, we soon learnt how to put trust in our group and stick together as we travelled from one activity to the next. We also learnt how to put trust in the public transport system and understand how to plan our travel.
Overall, our favourite activity was at Blenders Studios. We sketched our own designs and cut out stencils of this designs before spray painting the design onto canvas. Everyone was happy and proud of their designs and we learnt how to appreciate graffiti as a form of art.
Our second favourite activity was ACMI. We enjoyed looking at the artwork and using technology from decades ago.
City Experience was something Year 9s will remember for the rest of our high school years. We made so many fun and enjoyable memories together.
Nur Aisyah & Praneet Gunasekaran 9C
Year 9 Food Around the World End of Year program
Here are few photos of our Year 9 students making delicious cookies in their end of year program.
Director of Junior School: Nina Kempinger
Year 7: Megan Maxwell and Carolyn Franklin
Year 8: Tyler Kendall & Rachith Rajakumar
Year 9: Rosie Cassell & Corey Martin
Administration: Hua Chuc