Senior School

Year 12 Graduation Assembly 

On Monday 17th October we farewelled the Year 12 class of 2022. Congratulations to all students, you should be super proud of the way you conducted yourself at the farewell celebrations. The day was filled with many memories shared by students and staff, along with lots of signings of shirts, tears, and loads of delicious food enjoyed by all. We wish all students to enjoy this unique time of life. All the best and good luck with what your next chapter holds. 

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner

The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner was held at Merrimu Receptions last night. A wonderful celebration marking this significant achievement by our young members of the Lyndale Secondary school community. Parent support is one of the secrets to the success of our school and last night it was well and truly on display in a most impressive way.


Having an event like this creates a great memory for all involved. The Year 12 Graduates were outstanding. I could not have been more proud! I congratulate everyone who helped to organise this event and all the staff who were in attendance to support our Class of 2022.


Pam Robinson





Senior School Headstart Camp Reflections

On Monday the 21st of November, the current year 11s were privileged enough to attend a camp to Candlebark Farm as per their transition into year 12 next year. On the dawn of the morning, the canteen was filled with excitement as it was one of the few excursions that the entire cohort was able to attend, making it a great opportunity to strengthen the bonds between each student, but also, the teachers. After an hour drive up to the campsite in Healesville, we had unloaded all our luggage for the day and were introduced to a man by the name of Arthur Bolkus.


None of us knew who Arthur Bolkus was, all we knew was he was just another guest speaker, motivating us by educating us on the principles of leadership, but Bolkus was unlike any other speaker we’ve ever had. Taking us through the moments in his life where he had no other choice than to resort to drugs, the consequences he faced choosing money that would come from a law degree, over following his passion of the arts gave us all a new perspective on life. That what it means to be a leader isn’t defined by how much money you have in this world, but the importance in the decisions that you make and whether or not they are aligned with who you are as a person.


As the day progressed, we had some time to settle into our cabins, familiarise ourselves with a small tour of the campsite and break off into our activity groups. We had a variety of activities to take part in, with options of: Orienteering, Archery, Board Games, Wall Climbing/Volleyball & Table Tennis, Initiatives and Canoeing. The weather wasn’t particularly on our side, which made it interesting having our shoes completely covered in med before even getting to the lake to start canoeing. However, getting dirty was all part of the fun and brought lots of laughter among the groups.


The dusk began to settle in, after a full day of activities, we were provided with a 3-course dinner inside the main hall. A chance for us to all settle down and unwind after a long day of activities. After 2 hours or so, we were given the option to stay inside and watch a movie or go outside for a night walk, exploring the farm even more. Eventually, the night ended off with everyone inside watching the movie. A very good end after a day filled to the brim with tasks and activities, and is something that we are all grateful to our teachers and hosts for organising!


Ibraham Rifae 11E


On the 21st – 22nd of November 2022, students of year 11 had the opportunity to take part in the year 12 (2023) camp. The first day of camp began with an insightful speech by Arthur Bolkas about his life journey to success. His words caused the students across the hall to fall silent and reflect deeply on how to build a successful education on their one-year VCE/VCAL journey. 


In session 1, students were sent off with their groups to do fun activities such as archery and canoeing after taking a break and feeling welcomed. Students had fun with their group members during each activity, but they were also tired, so they were given another lunch break to relax and prepare for the next session 2. In addition to having fun and getting tired, students had the opportunity to take photos and record their enjoyable moments while participating in activities to keep as a memory for themselves. 


When students were given free time to go to their cabins, rest, and spend time alone with their roommates, they were mostly pleased. The camp required teamwork, which made the camping experience even more enjoyable because each group was responsible for setting the table and cleaning it afterwards. Students maintained their responsibility to assist one another during their duty time. Students had the option of going on a night walk or staying in the hall to watch a movie on the night of camp. The majority of students chose to go on a night walk, with only a few girls staying to watch a movie. At the end of the film, everyone said good night to one another and went to their cabins to prepare for bed. 


The second day of camp began with students greeting each other with smiley faces, and beginning their conversation with "good morning" while eating a warm breakfast. Throughout the day, students completed three more sessions with their groups and had a snack break and lunch break to allow them to relax a little. The camp ended with a group photo of the year 11s, saying their goodbyes and thanking the staff members who worked tirelessly with the Lyndale community over the two days.


Sheba Shirzad 11E


Accessing Edrolo 2023

If you are learning one of the following VCE subjects in 2023 you should have access to Edrolo:

  • Biology 1&2
  • Chemistry 1&2
  • Health & HD 1&2
  • Physical Ed 1&2
  • Physics 1&2
  • Psychology 1&2
  • Biology 3&4
  • Chemistry 3&4
  • English 3&4
  • Health & HD 3&4
  • Physical Ed 3&4
  • Physics 3&4
  • Psychology 3&4

Once you have access, please pay for Edrolo via the payment portal (this can be done at the start of 2023).


Activating Your Edrolo Account

If your child accessed Edrolo in 2022, their account will be active and you can log in with them as normal to pay through the Payment Portal as per Step 6 below. If your child is new to Edrolo, please follow the instructions first:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your child’s surname and check that it recognises their correct first name
  3. Enter your child’s school email address and choose a secure password that they will remember
  4. Click ‘Let me in’
  5. Edrolo will send a confirmation email to the email address you used above – head to this email and click the activation link.
  6. Once you have signed into your account, click on the “Pay now” button in the top right-hand corner of your screen and follow the prompts.

Mary Koutras

Library Manager


Director of Senior Sub School: Bill Hollingworth

Student Achievement and Engagement in Senior School: Monique Lenehan-Moustafa

Year 10: Dylan Mersin and Lyndon Shane

Year 11: Amanda Crosbie

Year 12: Johanna Gallo

Admin: Bec Campbell