
Wellbeing in 2022
As 2022 rolled in, there was much anticipation for our first year back without lockdowns. Staff and students were both equally excited to commence the year with freedoms that were put on hold. And while the year brought its own set of challenges with many absences due to COVID, it was great to be able to run our programs in person, to see and hear the students near us, eager albeit tentative to engage with each other and their teachers.
2022 also saw changes to the Wellbeing Team, Rosemary Kucan, our psychologist of many years, did not return from family leave and Marisa Panotis’ contract had ended halfway through the previous year. We farewelled them at the end of 2021 and wished them much happiness in their new ventures. At the same time, we welcomed Jasbinder Singh as our new Mental Health practitioner. Micah Crowe and Shanilka Abeywickrema who had been on placement with us as Provisional Psychologist graduated in 2022 and we were able to employ them as Psychologists to support our students. For a short while Charlotte Brown also joined us as a Provisional Psychologist on placement with us from Swinburne University and Alanna McCormack (school nurse) and I continued in our respective roles. As always, I am incredibly grateful for all the members of the Wellbeing team including Luke Wilson Assistant Principal responsible for Wellbeing, and thank them for the exceptional support, they provided our students this year.
I would especially like to thank the many students who were involved and participated in the programs that were facilitated by the Wellbeing Team. This includes our incredible 32 Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, who showed great interest and determination to support our new year seven students. It was great to see so many PSLs attending the junior classes, surprised, and challenged by their tasks and stepping up in their maturity and their leadership to address some of the transition issues that were presented in the year 7 cohort.
A big thank you also goes out to our 2022 School Captains who assisted in developing the Senior School Wellbeing days, volunteering their time and insights to set up relevant and engaging workshops. Thank you to all the students who participated in the end-of-year Wellbeing Assemblies, the Year 8 Young Men and Young Women’s Action Groups, and all those that attended student support programs throughout the year.
Also thank you to the many external organisations who supported our students through programs like the Kick Start program run by the CoGD Youth team who helped our year 7 students in their transition to secondary school. Headspace assembly presentations that promoted good Mental Health.
Our Young Muslim Women’s group worked closely with the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights to enhance their personal development by further understanding the cultural elements which may impact on their lives.
The School Focussed Youth Service and the Centre for Multicultural Youth provided us with resources to develop leadership and connectedness in our year 7 – 10 students through the Melbourne City Football Club leadership program. I would also like to acknowledge all staff for supporting our student’s wellbeing and in particular Ms Julie Snowden and Ms Rachael Seaton who supported our LGBQTI student body through their lunchtime programs.
A special thank you also goes out to Head Space, Foundation House, Operation Newstart, Myuna Farm, the Lyndale S.C. Doctors in Secondary Schools program’s Doctor Dannie Dowman and Nurse Paul Musil, and our own Wellbeing team who have been amazing at helping individual students get through some exceedingly challenging times. Sadly, we must farewell our psychologists, Micah Crowe and Shanilka Abeywickrema who are moving on in their careers and I speak for all of us in wishing them all the best in their future ventures.
As this is my last year in the role of Director of Student Wellbeing, I would like to send out a heartfelt thank you to the Lyndale School Community for allowing me to be of service as your “Wellbeing Leader” for 19 years. It has been my joy and my privilege, and I wish you all good well-being, much happiness, and success in your future.
Best Wishes for a safe and restful holiday.
Ana Finlay
Director of Student Wellbeing
Wellbeing Highlights 2022
Mental Health Month
Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in October. This month gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of good mental health, and encourages help-seeking behaviours when needed. The Wellbeing Team organised activities to celebrate Mental Health Month and ‘RUOK? Day’ to support our work in enhancing student mental health and wellbeing.
A series of activities were delivered to students focusing on self-care: what it is, how it helps promote good mental health and how we can incorporate it in our daily lives.
Other activities included:
- A lunch time movie for all students
- Chalk art in the courtyard outside the canteen
- Dandy Donuts food truck visiting during lunch
You are welcome to contact Jas (Mental Health Practitioner) or Alanna (Secondary School Nurse) if you have any questions about mental health and they are more than happy to help you.