
Term 4 Humanities Report
This term in Humanities Years 7-9 have been learning about wetlands, coastal landscapes and tourism as a part of Geography. Students have learned about the natural landforms in our local community, the impact they have on us, and how we can ensure that these places are sustainable for the future. Students have also had a great time in our end of year programs to upskill for 2023 by researching and designing indestructible structures to last as long as the pyramids, creating innovative business ideas and designing tailored holidays at the Lyndale Travel.
This term in Year 10 students have assessed Australia’s role in international interactions by investigating the role Australia plays as a trading nation within Asia and in the global economy in Business and Economics. In Legal Studies students have explored Australia’s roles and responsibilities at a global level including the provision of foreign aid, peacekeeping and the United Nations. In History, students have examined the civil rights movements in Australia and the United States, exploring the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for rights and freedoms and the significance of key events and the roles of individuals in changing Australian society.
We are also very proud of our Year 11 and 12 VCE Humanities students across Legal Studies, Business Management, Economics and History who have worked so hard all year to prepare and achieve great success in their end of year exams.
Take care over the summer break and we look forward learning more about our world through Civics, History, Economics and Geography in Humanities in 2023.
Year 7 Geography Excursion – Tirhatuan Wetlands
Between the 2nd and 4th of November our Year 7 students had the opportunity to conduct fieldwork at the Tirhatuan Wetlands. Some classes battled some wild weather, and were able to see the impact of excess water and floods on our wetlands first hand. Here there were able to see first hand the operation of the wetlands, its role in providing us with fresh water, the interconnection of humans, plants and animals in our own backyard. Students learnt new skills about collecting data in Geography such as field sketches and observation skills. Back at school students mapped the wetlands, discussed the wetlands role in droughts and floods and made a proposal for how we can sustain the wetlands for the future.
Well done to all of our Year 7s who have learned a little more about how we can enjoy and sustain our local environment!
Student impressions:
“Something I learned was that Tirhatuan Park is a flood plain for the Dandenong Creek and it is home to a wide range of wildlife species including the Kookaburras and snakes.”
“At the Tirhatuan Wetlands, I learned that different types of rivers could be affected by their surroundings. For example, rocks lined the edges of a rapid- causing it to go fast and in a particular direction.”
“It was overall a great way of spending my time! I'd like to do this more. (Even if this excursion was for our CAT...)”
Sustainability Proposal:
Allegra Blain
Humanities Domain Leader