Principal's Report


I look forward to writing my newsletter article because there are always student and staff achievements that have a great cause for celebration.  This edition is no exception.

Class of 2022

Before we consider the significant achievements of the 2022 cohort I want to acknowledge and thank sincerely all involved – students, teachers and parents – for their resilience during a year that was once again nothing less than challenging.   


Lyndale Secondary College is pleased to highlight the following results for the class of 2022.

  • DUX – Ivana Bukva – ATAR 98.15
  • Our school median for VCE studies continued to be 28, which reflects the collective effort and application of our Y12 students  
  • 10% of VCE students achieved an ATAR above 80
  • 34% of VCE students achieved an ATAR above 70
  • Our 40+ study scores for 2022 are 3.1%. This is a result that reflects the determination of our high achieving academics.
  • Exam grades of B and better represented 29% of all exam results, with 9% A-A+. 
  • 78% of students achieved an ATAR that places them in the top half of the state
  • Year 11 and Year 12 students achieved their Certificates II or III VET qualifications. Many performed so well in their work placement that the school received very positive feedback from their employers. Some students were even offered an employment position.

Congratulations must be forwarded to all students who have completed their senior school studies, whether in the VCE or VCAL pathway. 


Your achievement during challenging times is truly outstanding. Extended congratulations and thankyou to staff at the College who have worked to support these students throughout years 7-12. We wish them the very best for a positive and productive future.

Talented staff

A number of our VCE teachers have been involved in assessing VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) which is the body that oversees VCE, exams during the past month. Some teachers have also presented at conferences and professional development workshops for teachers. This reflects the skills and experience of the staff who work at the college.

2023 Year 7 Information Evening

It was wonderful to see many parents and students attend our 2023 Year 7 Information Evening on Wednesday 30th November.  During the evening Ms Nina Kempinger spoke about what skills, attributes, and strategies we want our students to develop at school and encouraged the new Year 7 students to get involved in the many opportunities and extra curricula activities on offer at Lyndale Secondary College.  

Grade 6 Orientation Day

Tuesday 13 December was Orientation Day, where we officially welcomed our new 2023, Year 7 students to participate in their first full day of activities at the College. I would like to congratulate Ms Nina Kempinger, Junior Sub school Leader, Ms Megan Maxwell and Ms Karen Huynh, Year 7 Coordinators for 2023 and the team of staff who have led transition and organised a fabulous day for our students.  


Transition programs that are well planned and implemented can set up solid foundations for students to settle into their secondary environment.  Based on the observations, our Year 7 cohort for 2023 are well placed for a great start.

2023 Uniform

To assist with providing a safe environment for students both within the school as well as on excursions, all students must wear the approved college uniform. The reason for this is that it makes it possible to readily identify our students as well as those who are not part of our community and to enable them to safely participate in college activities. The correct wearing of uniform also adds to the student’s sense of belonging to the college community and encourages the students to develop a sense of pride in the school. 


2023 will see the introduction of some new uniform items to complement our PE uniform and support students in the colder months. We will send out communication via compass when this becomes available at PSW.


I recommend that you do not leave the purchasing of new uniforms too late. Please carry out any required adjustments to existing uniform items prior to the start of the school year.  If you are ordering items, the sooner you order the more likely your items will be at the store and not the warehouse when you need them.  Parents who are eligible for CSEF can seek assistance through State Schools Relief by contacting the front office on 97952366 prior to the 19 December 2022.

Home Group Program

2023 will see the introduction of a home group program where students will be working with a home group teacher in developing important and necessary skills for like. The home group program curriculum focusses on building student capabilities and skills necessary for lifelong learning and positive citizenship. The Home Group Teacher is encouraged to work at getting to know their students, to build positive relationships and support students to adopt the values and attitudes promoted during the assembly. This program will run once a week for 30 minutes on a Tuesday.

Please see below the updated bell times for 2023.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday 
8.35amWarning Bell8.35amWarning Bell
8:40 – 9:39amPeriod 18:40 – 9:35amPeriod 1
9:42 – 10:41amPeriod 29:38 – 10:33amPeriod 2
10:41 – 11:01amRECESS10:33 – 10:59amRECESS
11:06 – 12:05pmPeriod 311:04 – 11:59amPeriod 3
12:08 – 1:07pmPeriod 412:02 – 12:57pmPeriod 4
1:07 – 1:56pmLUNCH12:57 – 1:27pmLUNCH
  1:32 – 2:02pmHome Group
2:01 – 3:00pmPeriod 52:05 – 3:00pmPeriod 5

End of Year

As this is the last newsletter for 2022, I would like to take this opportunity to thank members of College Council, student, parents and carers, business and industry partners and other members of our community for the support throughout the year. We have experienced several waves of COVID this year with the past few weeks being our most recent. 


I particularly would like to thank members of the leadership team and teaching and non-teaching staff for their dedication and efforts towards student learning and supporting student wellbeing. Their courage to take risks and commitment to improving student outcomes in and out of lockdowns has been a crucial element in the on-going success of the College.


I would also like to publicly recognise the service several departing staff who have given to our college and wish them well in the next exciting chapter of their lives.  They are Mr Greg Breese, Ms Shabnam Shuja, Ms Upeshka Lankapeligedara,  Ms Jeane Trungove, Ms Amanda Crosbie, Mr William Hollingworth, Mr Liam Heurtau,  Ms Rain Cao, Mr Wayne O'Brian, Ms Anna Watts, and Ms Ana Finlay.


We will be welcoming new staff members in 2023 at Lyndale Secondary College. Our college continues to be a ‘College of Choice’ for teachers which has enabled us to not compromise our high standards when making new appointments.


I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday period and look forward to continuing our work together.

