Sacramental Updates

Dear Families,
Where to start……I hope that my email finds you all well and getting back into life out of lockdown. What crazy times we are living in. It is with a lot of uncertainty that we keep moving forward. After speaking with Fr. Joe today and taking into consideration the current restrictions I can confirm with you all that
· There will be NO workshops as previously planned for Saturday, 31st July and Sunday, 8th August. Instead we will incorporate a revision with the children during the practice sessions.
· In regard to the Sacramental Masses. We are going to take it one weekend at a time hoping that as we get closer to each weekend the Restrictions will be further lifted. I will be sending out another email sometime this week with an update of the program moving forward. Please keep an eye out for this email.
· This week is the our final week in the workbook. Families should be completing Week Four – Looking Outwards page 24 to 31. This week’s focus is on the final part of the Mass. On page 25 the activity involves the parish bulletin. You can access the bulletin by going to our webpage
Also please find attached some extra notes for this week. If you have fallen behind you will need to ensure that your child has completed both workbooks before attending practice prior to their sacramental mass.
· PRACTICE There will be practice for your child before their Sacramental Mass. How and when is still in the process of being organised. Information will be included in my next email. It is really important that your child understands what they need to do for each sacrament. For the moment let us concentrate on the Sacrament of Eucharist. Please take the time to practice with your child how we receive the Body of Christ and what is the response. I have put some points about this in the attachment. Also a good video to watch on YouTube is Sacraments101: Eucharist (how we receive). When watching this video keep in mind that the children will receive the Body of Christ in their hand NOT on their tongue and that they will NOT be receiving the Blood of Christ.
· MASS: Our Church is open and weekend Masses are happening. Saturday night 6pm and Sunday 8am and 11am. However, you will need to book in for Mass and can do so by going to our webpage and using the try booking link. If you have the opportunity to take your child to Mass prior to their Sacramental Mass I would encourage you to do so.
· CONFIRMATION INFORMATION: If you have not returned your child’s Confirmation details to me please do so ASAP and before this Friday, 30th July.
I would really appreciate your help with this as there is a lot to do in the next couple of weeks.
I think that covers everything for this week. As I previously mentioned please keep an eye out for my next email which will be about the Sacramental Masses. That is the Mass when your child will celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.
If you have any questions please email me or call the office on a Wednesday between 9am and 2pm on phone number 0358 212 633.
Sincerely Laura
St. Brendan’s Parish Sacramental Coordinator