A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
It was great news when we received the announcement that restrictions in Victoria had been lifted and schools could reopen. Children arrived on Wednesday and were very happy to be back with their friends and teachers.
I would like to thank all parents/carers for the work they did in supporting their children at home for the seven days of remote learning. We had many positives from parents regarding the learning packs, which parents felt were easier for the children to work independently.
Thanks to all our staff for their work during this time. Organising Learning Packs, phone calls and supervision of children of essential workers.
Many thanks for parents dropping off and picking up your children at the school gate.
Thanks for your cooperation in not coming into the school grounds at this stage.
At St. Brendan's we are happy to offer this Assessment program in English and Mathematics. The ICAS recognises and rewards student achievement.
These tests are conducted online and will be supervised by our teachers.
This Assessment is not compulsory.
Please see details on how to register in this Newsletter.
In these challenging times, it has been very exciting to watch our Athletes compete at the Tokyo Olympics.
These Athletes have managed through COVID to train, motivate themselves and made lots of sacrifices to represent our Country.
Many children have been talking about the events they like, or the people they have watched. Great examples also of how to accept disappointment.
~ Quote from Michelle Obama ~
"You may not always have a comfortable life.
and you will not always be able to solve all the world's problems all at once.
But don't ever underestimate the impact you can have, because history has shown us that
courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own".
Kind regards and take care,
Paula Stevenson (Principal)