Sub School News

Sub School News
Year 8:
Greetings Year 8 families,
Welcome back to school after what we hope was a relaxing and enjoyable break. We are looking forward to working with our Year 8’s as the term progresses. Unfortunately we have started the term with yet another lockdown and another stint of remote learning. Please ensure that you are keeping safe and being mindful of your young person’s wellbeing and of course your own. Encourage your young person to engage in physical activity and avoid hours in front of devices.
During this period of remote learning your young person’s wellbeing is the primary focus, should they feel overwhelmed with the work or are finding it difficult they should contact their teachers but not stress that all the work isn’t getting completed. Should there be any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email.
Hopefully we are on site in the very near future and can resume the term as per normal.
Kind regards
Bishoy Aziz
Year 8 Sub-school Leader.
Year 9:
Welcome back to Term Three. I hope you all had a restful holiday break. It was lovely to see everyone back at school last week…. For four days at least! Here we are back into remote learning again. At least we are all becoming pros at it. If there are any families who need assistance with devices or accessing emails/ Compass please call the front office on 5996 0144 or email me at
Due to the uncertainty surrounding lockdowns, as I write this newsletter item, by the time it is published some of these dates may have changed. Thursday, 22nd July, Year 9 students course counselling sessions have moved online; (see below Senior School news.) Please ensure you have booked in a time on Compass for your Webex meeting next week. During these interviews you and your child will have the opportunity to speak with the Careers team and Senior Sub School about pathways for your child.
Year 9 students also have City Week planned for 3rd- 6th August. Please make sure you have consented to this on Compass. I will keep you updated about the status of this excursion as we learn more about lockdowns. Please make sure you are staying safe and supporting your child/ren during this time of remote learning. Reach out if there is any support Adam or myself can offer you.
Jacqui Sampson and Adam Verrell
Senior School
Due to the extended Lockdown, students in Years 9 and 10 will be able to organise and attend course counselling next week online.
This process has been rescheduled to our online platform WebEx, so we can continue to support students and families during remote learning.
Monday 26th July – Year 9 into 10 students.
Tuesday 27th July – Year 10 into 11 students.
Families can still schedule or reschedule appointments via their students compass by clicking the community button and then PST.
Online appointments can be made from 12:00pm – 6:00pm.
Families will be emailed the appropriate link once the schedule is finalised.