St. Joseph's College, Echuca - Blessing of the Land

On Wedensday 19th May 2021, St Joseph’s brought the community together to bless the land of the second campus on Stratton Rd as a sign of respect for the indigenous people of the region and to mark the beginning of a new chapter for St Joseph’s.
It was a simple yet profound celebration of what had come before, the current hopes and aspirations of the St Joseph’s College community and a sense of excitement and wonder about the future prospects. The Trustees, together with the Bishops of Sandhurst and Wilcannia-Forbes, Shane Mackinlay and Columba Macbeth-Green were present to mark the occasion and to offer their blessings to the community.
Some excerpts from the liturgy provide a beautiful insight into the depth of the ritual and the sense of hope it brought the community:
Since the enrolment of the first Koorie students at St. Joseph’s there has been a wonderful spirit of respect and cooperation between the Koorie community and St. Joseph’s College. The melding of the Koorie and Brigidine Catholic stories has been of immense benefit to all students, Koorie and non- Koorie who have experienced the learning opportunities provided at St. Joseph’s College.
We pray that this new venture will strengthen the relationships between our indigenous and non-indigenous Australian communities and enable us to walk, talk and work together for reconciliation and justice
We remember with gratitude the Irish Brigidines who volunteered to come to Echuca in 1886 to provide Catholic education. Their spirited sense of adventure, complete trust in God and breadth of professional training was a gift to this town.
From the beginning, the primary and secondary schools were open to all who sought a Christian education. The people of Echuca/Moama and surrounding districts were extremely generous in their support of the first Sisters as they built the beautiful edifice which is now symbolic of St Joseph’s College. That support continues to this day.
Generations of Principals and Leadership teams have continually inspired their staffs to revaluate and expand the curricula offered at St Joseph’s, whilst also providing an ever-
widening range of support networks to ensure the well- being of students living in an increasingly complex world.
The ministry of Brigidines in the local community has diversified over the years, but we continue to treasure our connection to St Joseph’s. May Holy Spirit inspire and guide all involved in this exciting new venture- a moment of unlimited opportunity. May Brigid spread her mantle here and ensure that the spirit of Strength and Gentleness which has sustained the St Joseph’s community from Tullow to Dickson St will now take seed in Stratton Rd.
It is a privilege to be here today to be part of this historic occasion in your life at St. Joseph’s, as you respond to the changing needs of your community with the development of this new campus.
As we gather, it is a time to enjoy reflecting on and celebrating the many and continuing stories which shape St. Joseph’s. From our founding narrative the Gospels, a reading from the Gospel of Luke invites deep thought. "
As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognised him, and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ Luke (24:28-32)
Kildare Ministries extends its congratulations to all at St Joseph’s and the KEM Board who made this new and exciting development possible. The planning has taken many years and the challenges were difficult at times but now is the time to forge ahead and realise the dream of so many for the development of a new campus. May the St Joseph’s community who have sustain generations of young people, continue to flourish and to bring Jesus’ mission to life.