Walton House

Welcome to 2022!


Welcome everyone, to the 2022 academic year! This is a very exciting year as we move into the house system at the school. Walton house is yellow (or gold) house, and our house mascot is the hardworking honeybee! Walton house really admires the value of working hard, of working together and always trying to make the world a better place! The Walton house also looks after student leadership and community engagement across the school.


The year has started off strong! Students from all houses were supported to engage in a Start Up Program, lead by Mr Andrews. Here, students participated in getting organised for the year, getting lockers, and participating in Learning Disposition activities which was created by Ms Newton. 


The purpose of these activities was to engage students with learning values that we wish to see in all classes. It also gave students the ability to get to know their peers and teachers, and to score some house points too! 


The year has already seen some excellent clubs emerge, including a Chess club, Art club, Auslan club, and the Rainbow Collective!Additionally, Breakfast Club runs 3x a week, Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays from 8.15 – 8.45. Please come along, grab something to eat, play a card game with the friendly wellbeing staff and teachers, and have fun! It’s a great chance to connect before the school day begins! Members of the Walton team will be joining regularly, so students come along!










2022 introduced the house system to HPSC. There are four houses across the school.

  • Freeman House (red), named after Cathy Freeman, an indigenous female athlete
  • Hollows House (blue), named after Fred Hollows, an ophthalmologist who saved the eyesight of people all around the world
  • Mabo House (green) , named after Eddie Mabo, an activist in Indigenous land rights
  • Walton House (yellow), named after Nancy Walton, a pioneering Australian Aviator

Each house has a team of staff that are leading the house. Each House is led by an Assistant Principal, House Leader, 3 Student Learning Leaders and a House Assistant.


With this we would like to introduce the House Team for Walton:


House Leader - Gabrielle Phelan










Ms Phelan is new to HPSC in 2022 and has been enjoying the school’s culture and community immensely! Ms Phelan is an avid reader, and is always very keen to give out unsolicited book recommendations. Ms Phelan is an animal lover who is currently trying to undertake training to become a native wildlife volunteer. Ms Phelan is passionate about student wellbeing and engaging students to ensure they enjoy school. 



Assistant Principal - Paul Broecker









Mr Broecker has worked at HPSC for a couple of years now, and has a particular passion for ensuring the school is an environment where students receive equitable and meaningful education across the college. Mr B enjoys gardening and landscaping, and is always keen to have a chat about his Beehive! He also enjoys playing the piano and loves working at HPSC!


Year 7 & 8 Student Learning Leader - Billy Jessop









Mr Jessop has been in leadership at the school for many years, and is passionate about student engagement and effective relationships. Mr Jessop was actually a student himself at HPSC, and he knows the school better than most! Mr Jessop is a huge lover of sport, and enjoys being able to teach it at HPSC. 



Year 9 & 10 Student Learning Leader - Georgia Riley









Ms Riley is new to the SLL role this year, but has been a wonderful English teacher at the school going on 4 years! She is a familiar face to many students, and one that students can feel safe and comfortable going to for help. Ms Riley is very into gardening and plants, spending her free time building terrariums! She is also a reader, and is currently reading  'Adventures of a Young Naturalist' by David Attenborough. 



Year 11 & 12 Student Learning Leader - Cameron Christiansen









Mr Christiansen has been an SLL for about 5 years, and enjoys helping students reach their potential though counselling them through subject selections in VCE, and engaging students through sport and fostering some healthy competition! Mr Christiansen plays Cricket for Elsternwick and has recently played his 200th 1st XI game this season!! Mr Christiansen is a huge fan of all things sport, and loves to get involved in anything competitive (including the house cup!!). 



House Administration Assistant - Carly Felton










Carly has been a house assistant for many years, but is new to HPSC as of last year! She keeps the Walton house organised and is a friendly face for the Walton students! Carly is the proud owner of two dogs, one of them is a tiny puppy. Interestingly, Carly is an identical twin which has provided her with entertainment throughout her life!


Values Nominations:

Within the first few of weeks of 2022, we have been absolutely inundated with Walton students receiving value nominations! This is so wonderful to see, and the Walton team are very proud of the hard work, kindness and teamwork that Walton students have demonstrated so far.


When students are given a values nomination, students excitingly receive 5 house points! By the end of the year, the house with the most amount of points will win the house cup. If Mr Christiansen gets his way, that will be the second year running for Walton!

As a team, we want to assure students that the Walton team read every single values nomination that comes through, and we endeavour to celebrate all of these wins. Here’s a summary.


  • There are 169 students who have 100% attendance so far!
  • Leadership values nomination – 15 students
  • Learning values nomination – 196!
  • Respect values nomination – 15
  • Working together values nomination – 113

Congratulations Walton! Keep up the phenomenal work.


Ready to Learn - Attendance and Uniform:

Being ready to learn at HPSC includes attending school regularly, and wearing the uniform correctly. Over the past two weeks the houses have run uniform blitzes, with the intention of supporting students to attain the correct uniform. We want to see students wearing the uniform with pride, as it indicates the unity of our wonderful community! Since conducting the blitz, we have seen so many students wearing perfect uniform! Please keep it up! 

Additionally, the attendance reports so far have been pleasing! We have seen many of our Walton students achieve 100% attendance already, and we hope that this incredible attendance record remains fantastic as the year progresses. There will be prizes coming for students who are attending 100% of their classes, as we want to celebrate the fantastic work ethic of the wonderful Walton students.

Attending school is the strongest predictor of success! Attending all classes (or as many as possible, excluding genuine explained absences) is vital in terms of learning, social relationships and academic success. 


As part of our HPSC House renovations in 2021, we asked our House Leaders to create infographics on the famous and influential Australian figures after whom our new houses were named. 


Read about Nancy Bird Walton below