Learning Dispositions

This Term we welcomed back our students through the 2022 Start Up Program centered around our College’s Learning Dispositions. To ensure our students are set up to have the most positive start to the year whilst equipping them with the skills to be successful learners, sessions were developed for students to engage in a range of activities to boost these Learning Dispositions. Students participated in a range of individual and group activities that fostered Critical and Creative Thinking, Collaboration, Resilience and Resourcefulness. Our Explore students were introduced to the Learning Dispositions and participated in activities that showcased real world examples. The Enhance students worked in teams to generate new ideas, problem solve, overcome challenges and think outside the box to either experience success or reflect on how they could improve their performance.


“During the Learning Disposition session, I enjoyed the creative activity where we drew what we imagined in our heads from a few words our teacher had said. This had given students the opportunity to see how everyone else thought and imagined things.” 

– Year 9 Student


The Excel students explored Learning Dispositions through a senior lens linking it to our college graduate profile, their vision for the year ahead and strengthening their skills to support them in developing the most effective approach to their learning.


“I participated in the Learning Disposition activities on the first day and I really enjoyed them. I got to know my peers and I felt a part of the group and I hope the school continues to do stuff like this.” – Year 12 student


These dispositions are not only present within our Start Up Program but will continue to be incorporated into our school curriculum so that students can build upon their skills in all of their classes to demonstrate the skills and attributes of a 21st century learner.