Principal's Report

Welcome to the 2022 school year!

Thank you to all students and staff for your efforts, as this has led to a smooth and positive start to the new school year. On Monday 31st January we welcomed our Explore Program students in Year 7, along with our Excel students in Year 11 and 12.  On Tuesday 1st February, our Enhance Program students were welcomed back. All students commenced the year with a Start- up program, enabling students to connect and be better prepared for year ahead.


This year, we have welcomed many excellent new staff to our learning community.


A special welcome to Ms Krieg, who has joined us as the Assistant Principal of Freeman House. Ms Krieg is an experienced educator who joins us from Dandenong High School. Mr Eldridge is another new Assistant Principal, joining us from Timbarra and Koo Wee Rup Secondary College. Mr Eldridge is the Assistant Principal of Hollows House. 


You may remember that Ms Haynes is now the Principal of Lyndhurst Secondary College and Ms Shiel has moved to a new role in the Regional Office with the Education Department.

Our other new staff members are:

  • Dinesh Arachichige- Multi Cultural Education Aid (MEA)
  • Niwsha Davoodi- Teacher English/EAL
  • Sharmaine Fernando- Teacher English/EAL
  • Alison Fiddes- Teacher VCAL Generalist/Literacy
  • Grace Hanratty- Teacher Maths
  • Aaron Hare- Teacher Health/P.E (SLL- Hollows House)
  • Greg Heale – Teacher Media/Digital Tech/Visual Communication 
  • Lisa Ho- Teacher- Literacy/Generalist
  • Daniel Holten- ES- Inclusion 
  • Tayla Marshall- Teacher Maths /Science
  • Gabi Phelan- Leading Teacher- Head of Walton House- English Teacher
  • Ashley Porter- Teacher Health/P.E
  • Alyssa Prosser- Teacher Health/P.E/VCAL
  • Brittany Raynes- Teacher- Health/P.E
  • Indra Walia De Leon- Leading Teacher- Project Based Learning & Student Entrepreneurship
  • Jenna Wood- Literacy/Generalist
  • Tahlia Chowdary- Innovative Initial Teacher Education Program
  • Sharlene Peters- Innovative Initial Teacher Education Program
  • Nathan Martens- Innovative Initial Teacher Education Program
  • Andrea Cabrera – Innovative Initial Teacher Education Program
  • Jake Antill- Teacher/ Tutor
  • Joel Rennison- Tutor
  • Angelica Fortinez- Tutor
  • Stephanie Dimitrou- Tutor

As I have walked around the school over the last few days, I have seen and heard many examples of students strongly demonstrating our school values of Respect, Learning and Working Together. 





Respect- courtesy, kindness, being polite,

Learning- focus, determination, positive attitude, growth mindset

Working Together-  cooperation, consideration, empathy, compromise and understanding.


I'm proud to be the principal of our college and I hope that all students and staff are proud to be part of our learning community. We have a great school, but I am keen to see our school become even better. Every school and organisation can improve, if it does not, it becomes irrelevant.  I aim for our school to be the school of first choice for our community.

All staff at the college are working hard to see students succeed, and we are all here to help students achieve their best. 


Success comes to those who work hard, show focus, determination, and effort, as these qualities will unlock the doors to assist you to reach your goals.


At the end of last year, we recognised student achievement, including our Subject Award winners. There is no surprise that many the students who performed well also had extremely high levels of attendance,  with some achieving 100% attendance. Absence and lateness create gaps in learning and make it harder for students to be successful and achieve their goals. High attendance is vital to success, and I challenge every student to attend school each day, to be on time, and to work hard to be the best that they can be. Our partnership with parents and carers to improve student attendance is vital. I look forward to building and strengthening partnerships with parents and carers to support our students to be their best.


During our first whole school assembly for 2022, we celebrated our top achieving Senior Students from 2021. 


VCE:  Leon Lay – ATAR of 97.75. Leon was successful in achieving his first preference to student Teaching Maths/Science at University.


VCAL:  Imran Muhammad Bakhsh. Imran has successfully been offered a Building Apprenticeship. Congratulations to both students


House System

As we strive to strengthen student connectedness to school, student engagement and improved school pride, we have moved to Houses from a Sub School Structure. If parents and carers have any questions about student programs of progress, please contact your child’s House Leadership Team.

Road Safety

A concerned motorist contacted the school about students and parents crossing a busy Fordholm Road, without using the school crossing. I wish to remind all students and parents to use the supervised school crossing while setting a good example for our younger and primary aged students.


Uniform blitz

Everyone that wears our student uniform represents our college. The community will make judgments about our college based on how students look and behave. I am pleased to see students wearing our uniform with pride, the days of near enough is good enough are over. We are raising the bar and lifting expectations. We will be following up on students who are out of uniform. When out of uniform, students are expected to bring a note signed by parents/carers explaining the reasons for being out of uniform to House offices. 


Year 7 Welcome BBQ

Please note the change of date. Due to covid, we have decided to postpone our welcome BBQ to Monday 21st March. More information will be made available closer to the new date.


Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits

Last week we distributed RATs to our students. As per DET requirements we have had them available to parents, with uncollected test kits distributed to students. Thank you for your patience with this process. As per health department advice, a reminder to parents/carers and students, all students and staff are strongly encouraged to undertake two tests per week. Positive tests must be reported to school and the health department. All  positive cases must isolate. Lessons for students are available on Compass. Our Stayconnect Program is also available to support students in isolation.


Doctors in Secondary Schools 

I am pleased to inform you that the new portable office to support our Doctor’s in Secondary Schools Program has arrived. This program will enable students to have access to a doctor for health advice at school. More information will be available when the program is launched.



Wayne Haworth
