Learning and Teaching

Shortened Classes – starting Monday

This extended lockdown is going longer than expected and we are concerned about the impact on student and staff wellbeing. To give everyone a break and reduce some pressure, we are asking teachers to use their discretion and shorten classes to 60minutes where possible (yr 12 teachers may need to continue with the full 75 mins classes). Hopefully, the 15minutes at the end of each period will give everyone a break to finish tasks off, stretch their legs or grab a cup of tea before the next class. 


Wednesday 25th August - Catch up day

Teachers will not be leaving lessons on Compass. Students will be given the day to catch up on work and focus on being active by attending a session in the Wellbeing Hub or going for a walk. Students and teachers are spending lots of time on screens and we encourage everyone to have a break from the screen next Wednesday.


Online Student Conferences – Tue 14th September (last week of term)

We will be hosting our Student Conferences online via Teams in the last week of this term. It’s a great opportunity for students, teachers, and parents discuss where students are in their learning and what the next steps are. We will send out more details about the evening in the coming weeks.

Learning Tasks on Compass

As we transition to Developmental Assessment, we acknowledge that there are inconsistencies in how we are communicating Learning Task feedback to parents. After auditing 1930 Learning Tasks that were posted on Compass in Semester One, we are devising explicit guidelines for how staff will provide quality feedback that communicates where students are in their learning and what the next steps are. These new guidelines will be implemented at the beginning of term 4 and be shared with our school community. 

Assessment Practices Q & A

Parents and students are invited to attend an online Q & A session on Tuesday 31st August at 7pm.  

Assessment Conferences Meeting Link


Meeting number: 165 550 0497

Password: kPKmWJmM538


Carrie Wallis

Assistant Principal

Teaching and Learning