about Good Shepherd

Contextual information about the school
Good Shepherd Lutheran School is an ELC to Year 6 primary school situated in the north-eastern suburbs of Adelaide. The school has an enrolment of around 520 students divided into 5 learning stages: Early Learning, Foundation, Years 1/2, Years 3/4, and Years 5/6.
Vision: Active and connected, growing for LIFE.
Values: Love, Optimism, Creativity.
The school has a clear focus on proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and providing highest quality educational programs that seeks to prepare students for life. This is done in the context of a caring community. All students are valued as unique individuals who we challenge to fulfil their God given potential in life. Our curriculum focuses strongly on Literacy and Numeracy while also providing rich experiences through integration and project based learning in all other areas. Our commercial aquaponics project is positively impacting the local community.
Our specialist areas include Visual and Creative Arts, Physical Education and German. We also have various processes in place to provide support to students on their learning journey. We enjoy strong partnership with our families who are involved in many aspects of school life.
Our students and staff enjoy the benefits of working in an extremely well resourced and safe environment. School facilities are world class and 2020 included the opening of new facilities for the Early Learning Centre - Curiosity.
Click here to take a virtual tour of Good Shepherd
Together with Endeavour College, Mawson Lakes, we aim to provide a seamless Early Learning to Year 12 Lutheran education for families in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. Our graduating students have priority entry to Endeavour College.