From the Team 

3/4 Classrooms

Learning about Acrostic Poems


Over the last few weeks the team 3/4 students have been working on Olympic based acrostic poems. We  have been working very hard to develop unique acrostic poems with numerous words in a line rather than just one word. We  had to search on the internet for a particular Olympic sports to base our poems on.



After searching up a particular sport, the 3/4s had to brainstorm ideas about their chosen topic. Swimming and football were very popular. Our class presented our poems on pic collage. We were learning about one of the 6 traits of writing - presentation. We had to include an appropriate font and CAPITAL letters. 

We had to think about these things in our presentation :

. spacing or layout

. neat and consistent handwriting

. illustrations, charts, diagrams

. colour and font


We think that acrostic poems are fun to write because 

they express our thoughts about the topic. We also like it because it is a creative way to write.

We hope you enjoy reading a selection of them below.


Written by Nina Tyler and Lizzie Clements (3RP)