From the Foundation Classrooms

🌟⭐⭐⭐100 Days of Foundation 2021⭐⭐⭐🌟


On the morning of Friday the 30th of July there was a great deal of excitement and electricity in the air. The day had finally arrived! It was the 100th day of school and all Foundation students and teachers were ready to celebrate!


At 8:55am the bell rang and out of the school building came two little old ladies. Where was Miss Brennan and Miss Jones? The Foundation children were so confused and did not know who these two little old ladies were and where the teachers had gone. The two elderly ladies hobbled over to the Foundation classes and said, 'Hello!". Everyone soon realised that these two ladies were actually Miss Brennan and Miss Jones dressed up to look 100 years old! There was lots of laughter in the air!


The teachers took the children back into the classroom. The first activities for the day were French and Art. Mrs Hortin and Madame T had organised special activities to celebrate the 100 days. In Art the children wrapped wool around two cardboard rings and made the number 100. In French the children learnt how to say, "100 Days of Foundation", in French, "Cent Jours," and then made a celebratory poster for the day.


After recess the Foundation children came back inside and completed two fun activities with the Foundation teachers. Miss Brennan made a 100 crown with the children. Each crown had ten coloured strips of paper and each strip had 10 objects glued or drawn on it. Ten lots of ten is one hundred! Miss Jones' activity was a 100 necklace. Each necklace was made out of 100 pieces of cereal.  Children used a tens frame to count out ten pieces of cereal. These were then threaded onto the piece of string. This was done ten times. The children also worked on their counting skills by skip counting up to 100 by tens.


After lunch play the children listened to a picture story book about 100 Days of school. They then went to have a look at the different 100 collections out in the corridor. Some children wore costumes on the day and some also brought 100 pieces of food to eat. 


Another fun activity that was planned was a photo-shoot of all of the children and teachers in Team Foundation making the number 100. We took these pictures down on the bottom oval using Mr. Symons drone! It flew up into the air and took photos of us from a bird's eye view. The children were amazed at how high the drone flew to take these images.


We have had so much fun and learnt so much in just 100 days of school!  What a great time we had celebrating our 100th day at Boroondara Park Primary. We hope the children will remember this day fondly for many years to come.