Upcoming Events

SPX OBA 2021 Annual Dinner


The Old Boys Association will once again be hosting its Annual Dinner in September. The evening will kick off from 6.30pm with complimentary drinks from the bar and a chance to catch up with old classmates, before a sit down two course dinner. Bookings can be made now via the link below and if the event is cancelled a full refund will be given.

We are looking forward to welcoming new members from both the Classes of 2019 and 2020. 


When: Friday, 10th September 2021, 6.30pm

Venue: The Chatswood Club 

Level 1, 11 Help Street Chatswood, NSW 2112

Dress:  Coat & Tie

Ticket Price: $90 

Buy Tickets at Trybookings: https://www.trybooking.com/BRXPU


​For more information contact Jeffrey Clarke 0425 342 463
