
Police Visit

On Tuesday 23 May students across all primary and Year 7 enjoyed receiving a visit from the Mernda Police Officers! They became part of our community for the day, visiting classrooms, joining in sport games on the oval and showed the excited Preps their police van, as well as teaching students about the important work they do in the community. 

Connecting our students with police officers builds relationships within the community, making them more accessible and approachable in a future time of need.

National Simultaneous Story Time 

Students in our Early Years and Junior school gathered at 11am on Wednesday 24 May to see and hear the book ‘The Speedy Sloth’ being read as part of this simultaneous story time event with many other schools and libraries across the country! 


This annual event aims to promote the importance of readying and literacy and encourage a love of reading in children.

 Music Recitals

What a joy it was to see our students sharing their passion for music and performance with our community at the Secondary Recital on 25 May and Primary Recital on 31 May at the Eltham Community and Reception Centre.

These nights were an opportunity for students from the instrumental programs and in bands and choirs to share their talents, passion learnings with families, friends and staff. Congratulations to the Music Department for all your work behind the scenes preparing students for these events.

Bibles for Year 7’s

The Parents and Friends Group were delighted to hand out Youth Bibles to all Year 7 students this week in their Homegroup time, as a gift to support their Christian Education studies and faith journey during their teen years.

Ongoing proceeds from the Second Hand Uniform Shop have enabled this fantastic addition to the P&F program of investing in the faith of our students, which also provides a Children’s Bible for each Year 3 student and a Devotional book for our Year 12 graduates every year. It’s an honour to be able to support them on their journey to better knowing God. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” Proverbs 9:10

High School Musical 

“Anything’s possible in the theatre.” – Darbus


Bringing students of all ages together to build community spirit. High School Musical allows year sevens to twelves to come together and sing, dance, act and make friends. “We’re all in this together!” The production gives students the opportunity to shine and show off their skills. 

We’re all looking forward to performing for you in August!