Mrs. Cassie Lynch

OHSC Update

Dear Families & Carers,


Thank you for the patience you have all displayed while we sourced a new provider for our OHSC facility. We are incredibly happy to announce that TheirCare is joining us, commencing in Term 2! We are delighted to be able to continue to provide this vital service as I know many of our parents are.


Thank you to those who were able to attend the information session held last Monday the 22nd of May, 2023. Rick from TheirCare ran through many commonly asked questions to explain the process moving forward. For those who were unable to attend, here is the vital information you need to continue to utilise this service.


TheirCare will commence offering care from TUESDAY THE 13TH OF JUNE, 2023. 


In order for your child to attend, you will need to register online directly with TheirCare by clicking this link (theircare.com.au) Register your child and ensure you find Our Lady's School Wangaratta as the service you are wishing your child to use. 


Further information, including cost, is included below. 



Registrations are open now. It will take around 20 - 30 minutes to complete. If you have any trouble, please contact the help line on 1300 072 410.


As explained during our information session, TheirCare are looking to keep our exisiting staff within the centre, making the transition easier for everyone. Rick, the area manager, will be working also to ensure a smooth change over. Rick informed us all last week that there will be some exciting additions to the OHSC area including new toys and materials. These will all be delivered and set up in the week before TheirCare take over our service. Please pop in and introduce yourself to Rick when you see him next. 


Information about the Child Care Subsidy can be found below;


TheirCare's parent handbook has also been included so you get a sense of the exciting changes that are coming! Again, you must register with TheirCare to utilise this service moving forward. Register now and book in your future dates so Term 2 is all sorted. 


For all families that have been using our OHSC service, we will be ceasing operations from Friday the 9th of June, 2023. From there, we will be sending out invoices to remind families to pay any outstanding fees. Anything outstanding will need to be finalised and paid by the end of Term 2, 2023.