Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Principal's Report

Dear Families & Carers,


Welcome to another action packed edition of our newsletter. We are so proud to bring this publication to you each week, showcasing our amazing school community. 


On Sunday the 28th of May, some members of our school community came together to celebrate Mass together. As well as celebrating the Feast day of Our Lady, Our Lady's Church officially opened the Sr. Mary Griffiths Gathering Room. Thank you to our guests who were able to attend. Over the past few weeks, children prepared some art work with Mrs. Harper that is currently on display in the Church. The student artwork got rave reviews from everyone involved. The artwork is going to be on display for the next few weeks so please feel free to pop in and enjoy the amazing art. 



On Monday the 29th of May we participated in a school closure day in order to faciliate staff learning. On this day, our teaching staff spent the day exploring in depth our reading curriculum. As a group, we are learning about a concept called 'mentor texts' where we use a passage of text to explicitly teach skills to our students. As a staffing group, we are aiming to use mentor texts along with learning intentions throughout the school from Foundation to Grade 6. Learning intentions are used to highlight to students exactly what skill we are teaching. Stay tuned to see (and hopefully hear from our learners) just how well this is going at Our Lady's. All of the adults within our community are dedicated learners as well so stay tuned for our next professional learning chapter.


Class DoJo is going well with many families jumping on board. If you haven't received your invitation to join yet, please feel free to reach out. Class DoJo is a closed platform so only our school community members can see what is going on. Classroom teachers are using different tools as they go. Officially, our Power Plays have been retired and replaced with Class DoJo points. This week, children can earn Class DoJo points for being a learner. Our SWPBS focus this week is 'we are learners.' We are looking forward to sharing some amazing skills with you as the week progresses. 


Our Netball players have some very exciting news...the Parents & Friend's Association have purchased our players some netball dresses!!! Here are both of our teams proudly wearing their dresses. We are so impressed with how these students are tackling the courts each week, encouraging each other with the Our Lady's spirit. Molly & Paige have been working extra hard during training with both teams.  Thank you to everyone who make these teams possible. 




Congratulations to Dylan in Foundation who was last week's Class DoJo raffle winner.


In closing, as Winter is fast approaching and cold & flu season is here...we have extra RAT tests if anyone is after some. Just contact the office and we will send some home with your child. Please, if you child is displaying cold or flu like symptoms, keep them home.




Cassie Lynch