School News
Wonder White Bread Bags and Bread Tags for Wheelchairs recycling initiatives
This year our school is once again participating in the Wonder White Recycle, Earn and Play campaign. We're asking families to please donate their bread bags to the school so we can earn points to redeem them for sports equipment.
We're also taking donations of the plastic bread tags so they can go towards funding wheelchairs, mainly in South Africa.
The collection boxes are located in the School Office.
So everyone please get collecting!
Curriculum Contributions 2023
Thank you to all the families who have paid curriculum contributions so far this year. All money paid goes towards supplying your children with the items needed for their classrooms and specialist classes. Without families paying, we would not be able to offer the great programs that we currently run. If you are yet to make payment towards the curriculum contributions, it’s not too late. Payment can be made via Compass (it will show as Course Confirmation / School Payments) or at the school office.
If you are yet to order a Jamo Journal, this can be done using the same link.
State Schools Relief
Did you know that State School Relief is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation that supports the needs of disadvantaged government school students by providing new school uniforms, school shoes and many other educational resources.
If you require assistance please contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss further.