Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,



As we know this week we are celebrating reconciliation week. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Gina Mills and I were very pleased to attend the opening luncheon at South West TAFE on Monday with our Indigenous Leaders, Dylan Howard and Chloe Mobbs and our JSC leadership team Freya Earnshaw, Brianna Kurlatov, Noah O’Connor and Jagger Lynch. We watched a traditional dance and got to join in and sing along to a song performed by Brett Clarke. Brett also did the Welcome to Country. We got to taste some wonderful food prepared at TAFE, some of which contained bush tucker. The overwhelming message is truth telling, honesty, respect and kindness. Our students have been undertaking reconciliation activities in their classes this week.


The Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) program educates children from ages 4 to 12 on: living safely with dogs responsible pet ownership. Pet educators and their dogs visit over 2000 kindergartens and 800 primary schools in Victoria each year to promote the vital safety messages through animated presentations, song and role play. We are very fortunate to have them working with our school this week. Our students are certainly responding positively to our own ‘care dog’ Sunny who visits the classrooms and works with Jess and Tonya in wellbeing. Sunny is owned by one of our teachers Pat Kluver and is fully trained and accredited.



Unfortunately this week commenced where the last one left off. We have quite a number of staff and students unwell. As mentioned in last week’s newsletter please keep your children at home if they are affected and to record in Compass or notify the school office. In the past fortnight illness has impacted our ability to hold whole school assemblies but we hope to re-engage with those soon. We will keep you informed.



A huge congratulations must go to Asher Dawe on his outstanding achievement at the regional Cross Country. Asher as always gave his all and has now qualified for the state Cross Country championships. This is an outstanding effort.


REPORT WRITING DAY/ PUBLIC HOLIDAY Friday 9th and Monday 12th June 2023

Warrnambool Primary School will be closed to students on Friday 9th June 2023 for assessment and reporting purposes. It backs onto the Long weekend King’s Birthday which is an Australian Public Holiday on Monday 12th June 2023. Please note that ‘Their Care’ will operate on Friday 9th June 2023 for the Pupil Free Day but will be closed for the public holiday.



From Monday-Thursday we offer different activities at lunchtime. On a Thursday the Library is opened up for students to come in and enjoy some quiet reading. 

Yesterday though the sun was shining and some of our students have enjoyed making a sand sculpture. While other students made a balance beam out of a plank of wood and tree stump. We love seeing our students using their imagination and working together to create a fun activity in the sun.


Unfortunately there has been quite a bit of bike theft in the area and Victoria Police have some strategies to try and prevent this from happening and also what to do if your bike is stolen. 


Don't forget the Parents Association have organised a "Movie Afternoon - The Little Mermaid" this Sunday 4th June at 2.30pm at Capitol Cinema. Tickets are $12.50 each and can be purchased from the school office today or alternatively at the cinema on Sunday. 

Capitol Cinema will also be offering a Candy Bar deal for $4.50 which includes a Small Popcorn and Small Drink, just mention our school when ordering.


Have a wonderful weekend! 


Peter Lee
