A message from Kim

School counsellor

Peaceful Kids 

Bronwyn Phillip (one of our fabulous Education Support staff) and I are very excited to now be running four Peaceful Kids small groups across Lysterfield Primary with a fifth group to begin next week. Children from Grades Prep-Four are currently involved in the program. 


In Peaceful Kids children learn about:

  • Basic theory on Mindfulness and how it affects the brain and lessens stress and anxiety
  • The different ways to practise Mindfulness and integrate it into their lives
  • Their feelings and how this relates to anxiety and stress levels
  • Understanding stress and how it relates personally to them
  • Understanding triggers for stress and how to calm down when feeling stressed
  • Physical symptoms of stress and learning to identify when they need to take time out to calm themselves
  • Worrying and how it affects their happiness
  • Different types of thinking that increase anxiety or lessen anxiety
  • Noticing their own self-talk and how this is affects worrying and stress levels
  • Creating a balanced lifestyle including lots of chill out time and being in the flow

 Children learn life skills of:

  • A range of Mindfulness meditations
  • Positive psychology exercises
  • Techniques to lessen worrying
  • A variety of coping strategies
  • A variety of problem solving strategies
  • Journaling and expressing their worries
  • Facing challenges and fears step by step
  • Preventative strategies to help prevent stress build up
  • Being attuned to their own bodies and minds
  • Being in the flow more regularly and enjoying more of the present moment

If you would like your child to be placed on the waitlist for the Peaceful Kids Program please chat to your classroom teacher. You can check out the Peaceful Kids website here https://www.peacefulkids.com.au/ and feel free to try some of the meditations that we are using in the program at home with your child - https://www.peacefulkids.com.au/meditations1.html