Wellbeing and Engagement

Anxiety or Worry

Worry or mild anxiety is a perfectly normal emotion that we will all experience on many occasions throughout life. Sometimes worry or anxiety is accompanied by other emotions such as nervousness, fear, panic, and even anger. When we experience anxiety, our bodies go into fight, flight, or freeze mode; this is our body’s way of reacting to a perceived threat. 

Children with Worry May….


If you think your child has worry, you can support them by:

  • acknowledging your child’s fears — don’t dismiss or ignore them
  • gently encouraging your child to do things they’re worrying about
  • waiting until your child gets worried before you step in to help
  • praising your child for doing something they’re worried about
  • avoiding labeling your child as ‘shy’ or ‘anxious’ or ‘having anxiety’.

When asking Lysterfield students about how they handle worry, they said

  • Go to a trusted friend and hang out
  • Call kids to Helpline
  • Use a stress ball or fidget toy
  • Listen to music
  • Listen to an audiobook
  • Go to a quiet spot
  • Talk to an adult
  • Try and think about something else
  • Do some sports
  • Go to sleep

This article provides some additonal strategies to support childen with anxiety.


Robyn Mowat,  Assistant Principal | Wellbeing and Inclusion 

Educational Support Staff Day of Celebration

We were delighted to celebrate the outstanding support from the Educational Support Staff at Lysterfield. They certainly endeavour to develop students who are curious, confident and strive for success. The theme for our celebration today was "Thank you for nurturing and helping others grow". 

The Educational Support staff nurtures students to achieve their personal best by designing individual lessons, teaching social skills, providing a trusted adult to listen to, and advocating for the needs of all students.

We are truly grateful that you are all a part of the team at Lysterfield. 

Additional Services/Support