Meet a Staff Member

10 minutes with…. 


Maria Ignatidis

Risk, Compliance and Human Resource Officer

Been at Marian College for - 6 months



1. Tell us a little about your life outside of teaching? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions

I am one of 4 siblings, so I have a big family. I am also the youngest and only girl, so I have 3 older brothers. In my free time I play video games and read books.


2. How did you end up working at Marian College?

I came from the Toyota head office and wanted a change. I thought working in a school would be interesting, so I applied and on the 20th of December last year I found out I got the job! It was an amazing Christmas present.


3. What do you like most about working at Marian College?

I love the people here. Everyone is so welcoming and lovely I felt so comfortable here very quickly because everyone is happy to help me out when I don’t know something!


4. What are the biggest challenges facing teachers today?

Time management – I think teachers are really under the pump especially coming up to the end of semester 1. I hope all our teachers and staff are doing some self-care to cope with work stresses!  


5. What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?

Expectations – I think a lot of people say social media, but we grew up with that stuff, so we know it in and out. But I think a lot of teenage girls struggle with expectations. How you look, what you wear, what your opinions are, the things you say. Coming out of high school you are expected to know everything, to have a plan and know exactly what to do with your life. But it’s hard when you are just figuring things out. Teachers, friends, family, parents, all expect you to know what you’re doing and as an adult myself I still don’t know what I’m doing aha! Just know that when things are meant to happen, they will. If you surround yourself with good people that love you, you can’t go wrong!


6. Favourite food & drink?

My favourite food is my mother-in-law’s pasta (She’s Italian hehe)


Favourite drink is Lemonade.


7. Favourite holiday destination?

Fiji! It looks like a dream!


8. Favourite TV show & Movie?

Favourite TV Show is Seinfeld and Favourite movie is The Mask


9. If you weren’t in your current role, what would you be?

When I left high school I thought I wanted to be a Nurse/midwife so probably that. (Goes to show you that even if you have a plan doesn’t mean life will take you that way.)


10. Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?

Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, Kurt Cobain, David Bowie and Elvis Presley