Mrs Caroline Galea
Mrs Caroline Galea
Dear Parents, I hope that you are keeping warm and healthy. Firstly thank you to those families that are keeping their children home when they are ill. This slows down the spread of virus' at school. Just a reminder once you have decided that your child is going to remain at home please inform the office or the classroom teacher as we must record why a child is absent from school.
School Photos
I would like to apologise for the need to postpone our school photo's on Thursday 25th. Unfortunately this was totally out of our hands. A new date has now been set for Thursday 15th June, so consider this morning a trial run. Thank you for your understanding and fingers crossed that our new date goes on without a hitch.
New Playground Musical Instruments
As you may have noticed if you've been in the playground recently, we have new musical instruments for the children to enjoy. A huge thank you to the P&F who fundraised for this equipment, and also to our parent community who participated in all the fundraising activities.
Could we please ask that the instruments are not used before school, so as not to disturb our neighbours in the morning.
Internal Courtyard Plans
As I have mentioned before, we have an amazing parents community that are always so willing to help make Holy Name shine. One of our parents Brendan Papworth whose company Papworth Designs deals in Landscape Architecture has graciously spent time working on a design for our internal courtyard. Brendan has done an amazing job on combining what we already have, whilst also looking at the needs of our students. Brendon made sure that our students could access a learning space that is calm and conducive to learning. I cannot thank Brendon and his firm enough for their inspiration and time. This will be the area that we now, as a school try and develop. If you work in an industry or have contacts with a particular industry that might be able to help us realise this dream, please come and have a chat to Derryn or myself. Alternatively send us an email. These are some of the images that Brendan has provided.
All dads, grandpas and fatherly figures are invited to join the MAD team in our second social night for the year.
Message from Catholic School Parent Victoria
Dear Parents below is an invitation that I received from Catholic School Parents Victoria. The Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships program is a program that many schools have used to enhance well being at their school. There are however a couple of modules that we as Catholic schools were recommended not to do with the students. If you would like to take part in an online consultation about this program, then please see the details below.
If you are a parent of children in a Catholic primary or secondary school, you are invited to attend an online consultation session to share updates to the Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) teaching and learning materials, which support schools to deliver respectful relationships education. These age-appropriate resources help students learn and practise social skills and apply them in a positive way to learning, life and relationships.
The consultation session will be delivered online on Wednesday May 31 from 11:00am-12:30pm by the Victorian Department of Education and Training; Policy Officer; Respectful Relationships, Family Violence & Child Safety, Wellbeing, Health and Engagement Division.
The consultation aims to ensure that the new resources:
Excerpts from the updated resource will be shared in the consultation.
Uniform Change
All children should now be in their winter uniform. I have noticed that some children are wearing runners on days that are not their sport days. Please note: shoes with a white sole are considered runners and should not be worn unless it is sport day.
Please note: students are not permitted to wear mascara to school.
Also.... if your child has hair longer than shoulder length, it must be tied back.
Lost Property Basket
The basket is overflowing with expensive uniform items, mainly woollen jumpers, windcheaters (& even jackets) with no names or names of children long gone from the school. Yesterday, w again returned as many items to their owners as we could, but if parents don't name or rename the pieces, there's nothing we can do.
If your child has lost a uniform item, please come and look through the basket in the office corridor, take your item and don't forget to name it.
To order lunch for your child on Thursdays, the only way is through our school Schools24 app (see the instructions below). Over the counter lunch time sales will continue to occur on Tuesday and Friday.
Schoolpix School Photos
If you missed out on ordering school photos for your child, it's not too late. Just go onto the Schoolpix website - you have 5 days after photo day to order without incurring postage costs.
Italian Day
Next Wednesday 31st May is our celebration of ‘Italian Day’ !
The whole school community is invited to come dressed on the day in ‘Anything Italian’! You could come dressed in Italian colours, with something as simple as wearing green, white and red ribbons/ clothes, or you could wear soccer gear or Ferrari gear or use your imagination to have some fun and come in anything that says ‘Italian’ to you!
We will be celebrating ‘Italian Day’ with some fun whole school activities.
We will have a parade in the morning at 9am in the school hall and we warmly invite all parents and families to stay for this.
During the middle block, the students will enjoy an interactive Italian incursion, showcasing some Italian cultural traditions, including music, singing and dancing.
Then, in the afternoon, in our House Colour groups, we will enjoy a variety of Italian activities, such as a Year 5/6 soccer tournament and an activity afternoon.
Our students (& some staff) are looking forward to our hot food day lunch organised by our wonderful, hardworking P&F.
Helpers Still Wanted
We have had a number of parents volunteer to help, but as almost the whole school has ordered, we can always do with more hands. If you have a couple of hours free from approximately 9:45-11:00 we would greatly appreciate your assistance. Leave your name with Leanne at the front office.
Please note: to volunteer at school in any capacity, you must have a current Working with Children check.
Assembly Roster
We welcome all parents and friends to join us each Monday from 2:30 for our assembly. Each week a different grade level will share and present their learnings. Please see the roster below.
WEEK | Week Beginning (Mon) | MONDAY ASSEMBLY presented by: |
6 | 29th May | NO ASSEMBLY - GRADE 3-6 students away at NETBALL |
7 | 5th June | GRADE 3/4L |
9 | 19th June | GRADE 5/6K |