
Welcome back to Term Two! Throughout this term, students will be provided with many opportunities to explore various musical instruments in different settings. Over the term we will be focusing on different notes and also music notation for the upper years. These skills will be developed using a variety of instruments including piano, guitar, ukulele, drums and boomwhackers. 




This term, Prep students will continue to develop their knowledge of high and low sounds through the use of instruments. They will also begin learning strategies to help them follow a steady beat. They will be introduced to different types of notes and, later on in the term students will be introduced to and explore rhythm through stick notation (a simple written form of music). They will then be given the opportunity to use body percussion or instruments to perform these rhythms.


Year One

Throughout this term, students will begin looking at the different periods of music. They will explore the classical, baroque, romantic and modern periods of music. Students will also continue to develop their understanding of za (a crotchet rest) in songs. They will be introduced to different instruments to demonstrate their ability to play various rhythms. Students will be able to demonstrate this knowledge through playing songs on xylophone, piano and BoomWhackers. 


Year Two

During Term Two, students will continue to develop their knowledge on how to transfer steps and skips to the tone ladder. Students will continue to develop their ability to listen and identify if notes have moved a step or a skip. They will then begin to transfer this knowledge to the stave and explore music notation. Students will be introduced to new notes (semibreve) and consolidate knowledge of minims through short simple songs that will be learnt on various instruments.

Year Three

Throughout this term, students will continue to develop their knowledge of semiquavers and transfer this to formal music notation. Students will continue to explore bar lines and time signatures and how they link together with beat. They will be introduced to different forms (structure) of music and will have the opportunity to transfer this knowledge to instruments such as the keyboard, xylophone and BoomWhackers. 


Year Four

This term, students will be exploring more complex forms (structure) in music. They will learn how we can tell what form a song is in and have the opportunity to play some songs in these various forms on instruments. Students will continue to consolidate their knowledge of where notes sit on the stave and where they are on the piano. 


Year Five

This term, Year Five students will explore the piano and the techniques used when playing. They will work with the piano to assist with their note reading whilst aiming to apply the correct technique when playing. Students will also be introduced to BoomWhackers and how we can use them in music. They will then use their knowledge of the stave to play various songs using BoomWhackers.


Year Six

Throughout Term Two, Year Six students will investigate how to play and compose songs in small groups. Students will begin by learning existing songs in small groups and then will move onto composing their own short song in these same groups. They will then be able to choose which instruments they want to use for their composition out of piano, guitar, ukulele and drums.